Shut down computer by keyboard?

Yes, but sometimes when powerfailures occurs at home, my monitor goes off while my CPU is still running, so there's no way I can choose "Shutdown" from the menu, because I cannot see it. That's why I needed to shut down from the kerboard.
Adn I already have the answer. If you press Control+Esc, the shutdown-sleep windows will appear!
Actually, if I remember correctly, to get the Shutdown dialog window it's Ctrl + CD Eject key (the one with the triangle).
Cool. I never knew that. Thanks. :)

EDIT: Found out that Control-Command-Eject quits all applications and restarts. Cool, eh?
I was wondering why ppl need this key-combo when you can actually press one single key/button. Is it because desktop macs don't have such a button close to the eject key?
Just press the Eject button while the disk try is open and it will close (at least it works for me).
Butler to the rescue - yeah, you could use the old Control-Eject method - or you could use Butler and have a whole slew of key-commands at your disposal. For example I use Control-Keypad 0 to activate my screen saver and Control-Keypad Enter to put my machine to sleep. You could easily set up almost any key command for shutdown or restart - and have adjacent keys for sleep, screen saver, etc.