So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

Oh yea, I won't forget OS 9!!

But... the subjust is about "XP vs X"... What can I say?

I think OS 9 gets a bad rap – i mean, i've run it for literally weeks at a time with no crashing, and that's doing pretty intense photoshop, quark, indesign work to. Plenty of app switching, ram-hogging, and processor-crunching going on. I think the key is to trim extensions down to what you use and nothing else. I've been an extension-managing junky since OS 7, and I've never had nearly the number of problems that other users have reported. I'd go over to friend's houses, clean up their extension sets, and split, then ask them how their Mac was running and usually they'd respond with a variant of "surprisingly well!"

Also, I think the REAL culprit to OS 9 instability might very well be Internet Explorer. We all know that for some reason, IE5 needs to install some sys extensions in order to run – OK, I'll get over that, even though NO OTHER BROWSER needs to do this. BUT – when I remove those extensions completely and use a different browser, I have NO TROUBLE. And if my computer does start acting funky, I'll delete those MS extensions and the problems disappear - even if i continue to use IE5 and let it reinstall those same extensions.

Just another example of poor coding from MS. I think Bill Gates might have foreced the MacBU into putting some bugs into those extensions on purpose to give Macs troulbe and a bad name.
Originally posted by ddma

Oh well... I saw a PC folk cannot live with his previous statements and try to say somethin' stoopid...

I mean you have to study again WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM. Aqua is apart of the OS and is one of the most important part - GUI. If we are talking about the OS, why we can't talk about Cocoa, Carbon, Aqua, Darwin?

I think if you only want to compare the letters in "OS X" and "XP", it really sounds silly...

Again... Aqua is not only the candy screen you had seen, but also the way you use to control your computer... If there is a Save Box in your MS Word XP, can you still compose other documents? So, again, what is the so-called new theme - Luna - has brought to you? Just some silly words of saying Aqua sucked by your fingers?

By the way, I know XP good. It won't hang... But so what? What is the different between XP and 2000? Why Bill Gates can call it a ground-breaking product? Why 95% of Mac users have given X Thumbs up but there are 48% Thumbs down for XP at CNET site?

WHATEVER, I just want you know what is the defination of GUI...

**GUI is not only a theme...

Dude... Hold Here... all i wanted was 1, Yes ONE Measly Screen Shot!? ... It That So Hard u have 2 give me the 3rd Deegree on terms i know Little about ... For now!?
... Whatever u want to call it... u knew Xactly what i meant...!
i ain't coming here 2 Argue i was just HOPIN' A Friendly user would help me out!
Supposedly if you say his name five times, he automatically comes to the forum where you said it and trolls there.

That is why I will only say Mendar's name four times.

As for Neyo, I like the job you've done with making XP look like Aqua, but I'm waiting until I can actually get my hands on an actual flat-screen LCD iMac to make the change. Sure Windows XP is stable but it's not too secure. When I give this Presario 5630 up in a couple of months I'll equip it with some good firewall software that blocks most of the .net crap out.
try sierra mist:D

much better than 7up or sprite. subtly more tangy.:cool:

my beverage of choice these days.
Originally posted by rfraley
Sure Windows XP is stable but it's not too secure. When I give this Presario 5630 up in a couple of months I'll equip it with some good firewall software that blocks most of the .net crap out.
According to my geeks at The Tech Zone, ZoneAlarm is an excellent firewall program. I remember one of the users saying that he blocked all known Microsoft IPs, which helps to eliminate the .NET threat.

Oh and just my opinion, if you're using XP or 2000, it's best to have your disks formatted in NTFS. That takes away a large chunk of online security threats.
Originally posted by simX
So if you hate Aqua so much, just go download MetaMorphX. I'm sure you'll appreciate it. And I'm sure you can start making your own themes as well!
THANK YOU! thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!

Another few questions (thanks Ed for the calculator help) aboot OS X:
1.) Can I start the computer from a command line, and just skip the GUI?
2.) How do I obtain root-level UNIX access? Is this controlled entirely by the GUI? If so is there some kind of hack that will let me into the root?
3.) Is it possible to nix these ugly, oversized desktop icons? Can I make them smaller or even ::gasp:: replace them with the icons from OS 9?
Originally posted by Squeek
THANK YOU! thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!

Another few questions (thanks Ed for the calculator help) aboot OS X:
1.) Can I start the computer from a command line, and just skip the GUI?
2.) How do I obtain root-level UNIX access? Is this controlled entirely by the GUI? If so is there some kind of hack that will let me into the root?
3.) Is it possible to nix these ugly, oversized desktop icons? Can I make them smaller or even ::gasp:: replace them with the icons from OS 9?

1. Yes. Just log in at the login screen as ">console" and it'll drop you down to the command line. Alternately, I believe if you press Command-C while you're booting, that might do it to, but I'm not sure on that one. Command-V at startup lets you boot in verbose mode, so you get all that great Unix-y stuff flashing across your screen instead of the nice blue.

2. Root level access is turned on in the NetInfo Manager application in your Application/Utilities folder. Basically, you open that app, go to the Domain menu, select Security, select Authenticate, type in your password, then go back to the Domain menu, select Security again, then select Enable root user.

3. Yes, you can get those big icons off your desktop. just make the Desktop active, go to the View menu, and choose Show View Options. Alternately, you can just click on the desktop and type Command-J. The little slider at the top will allow you to change the icon size to whatever you like between sizes of 16x16 pixels and 128x128 pixels. You can even do the tiny icon with the name to the side of it if you put the slider all the way to the left. And if you want to use OS 9 icons, there are TONS of OS 9-like icons available at

Hope this helps – OS X really is flexible, and is getting more so every day.
thedbp is right on all three counts of your question, squeek. Well, actually, there's one little point where he's wrong. ;) Hold down the Command and S keys to start up in the command line at startup, not Command-C. But he is right that you can type ">console" in the login window for the login name and get to the command line that way.

Oh, btw thedbp: OS X isn't getting more flexible every day -- everyone is just making hacks that make use of the already flexible OS X. :D So OS X was, from the start, really, really, really flexible. It's just that we haven't taken advantage of that until now.
Thanks thedbp and simX. Now I'm wondering where this mysterious login window is. I have two users on this computer - my dad and me. Is there a keystroke to type to enter a username other than the ones listed? I'm gonna take a wild guess at Command-Control-Esc. I'll try that in a few minutes.

4.) I want my Trash right back where it belongs, which is at the bottom right-hand corner of my desktop. Is this possible?
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
One Question Guys...
U all, well most Don't like Luna, Am i right in saying that?! ...
Well... Have you seen how much it can be modifed, edited and basically F**ked aroun with?! ... i mean, unlike this forum, a Windows Forum i visit is ALWAYS talking of ways to continue to Mod Luna, Explorer etc... (sure thats Probably cus they hate how it looks @ present, But Hey!? :D )
...As Far as i have seen, OS X Doesn't seem as verstatile as XP, when it come to this, although if i am wrong u guys will jump, and ambush me in a second... So Come... "BRING IT ON" LOL

...For Me, From the Outset, Almost Everyone Hated "The Green Eye" aka. The Windows Start Button... So that was changed... and from there... a whole lot of stuff has gone...
which recently coincides with the majority of my icons being hacked and modded, to OS X ones... (Via Shell32.dll)

The Way i see it is, that Microsoft made Luna Pretty Customisable (chk) Because, they knew it looked pants... but they Also wanted to give its Users a "Challenge" in making it better! hehe!

...And also, Logon Screen's have come a long way too!
I'll Add my Logon Screen (just 4 Good Measure!)


believe me or not, i like luna, and if i were to buy a pc i'd install either 2000 or xp on it for sure. luna may not include any technological advancements like Quartz but it faster than the X interface when it comes to certain apps cough*OmniWeb*cough ... yes i know omniweb does not run in xp, but at least the other browsers are faster in scrolling than omniweb, which BTW i LOVE, but what's a fact is a fact and can't be disputed

i still like os x better, but sometimes all the pc apps and easy access to them (freenet/morpheus) tempt me. :) (i know i know, let's not start on that tangent again it won't change me)
Originally posted by FrgMstr
Wait a minute i thought MACs were half as fast and cost twice as much :D , only kidding.

I was making the point relating to pro's who make a living out of this software, it would matter to em.

Anyway this is turning into a good little debate, oh and i would have a G4 aswell as my PC if i could afford it, Poor student you see.



i Hate ambiguity! what "pros" do you mean?

a photoshop user will not need to use the apps that review was tested on. is he/she not a pro?

a sound editor will not need to use the apps that were used in that review, is he/she not a pro?

so in that certain category/field macs are not so good (i'm sure there are mac-obsessed in here that COULD prove that wrong but hey...) but what about other pros? Do they not need to make a living? are you sure PC are the answer in other professional fields? I'm not so sure.
Originally posted by FrgMstr
By the way, I know XP good. It won't hang... But so what? What is the different between XP and 2000? Why Bill Gates can call it a ground-breaking product? Why 95% of Mac users have given X Thumbs up but there are 48% Thumbs down for XP at CNET site?

Well that might be now but when OSX first came out people reffered to it as BETA and were quite disgusted with it. I can only imagine what you lot would say if M$ did that with one of their OSes.

Why slte Bill for calling XP revolutionary, i mean Steve only needs to take a dump and its revolutionary. I mean must of the time he takes a dump out his mouth anyway. come on Man
i mean Steve only needs to take a dump and its revolutionary.





you've made my day!!!! i love you! i don't agree with your next comment but this statement is just toooo hilarious! oh man the sense of humor in here... !!! ok ok... it's funny cuz it's true!!! oh, i wish i had a "Steve Dump" maybe he should auction it on e-bay i bet his shares would FLY above MS's!!!!
Originally posted by Squeek
THANK YOU! thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!

Another few questions (thanks Ed for the calculator help) aboot OS X:
1.) Can I start the computer from a command line, and just skip the GUI?
2.) How do I obtain root-level UNIX access? Is this controlled entirely by the GUI? If so is there some kind of hack that will let me into the root?
3.) Is it possible to nix these ugly, oversized desktop icons? Can I make them smaller or even ::gasp:: replace them with the icons from OS 9?

f*** these questions were answered a THOUSAND times in this forum! You are such a newbee! man, do a serch in thsi forum for waht interests you then if you get no answer ask the question!
Originally posted by vic
f*** these questions were answered a THOUSAND times in this forum! You are such a newbee! man, do a serch in thsi forum for waht interests you then if you get no answer ask the question!
Dude, calm down! I'm a n00B! Sorry, I didn't happen to look much at the front page before I saw the subject I wanted, and this is where I came and asked a question. If you don't like people asking questions that have been answered many times before, then you don't belong on a F**KING forums site!

J/K dude I'll look around a bit next time. :p

But seriously how do I move the damn Trash???
click here and you should find the way to put your trashcan back on your desktop or any where else you want it.

this referral for software is free. after this, solutions requiring me to hunt down a link will be $1.00 american. when you reach a total of 5, there will be an additional $5.00 charge on top of that. this pattern will repeat until you reach 25 at which point the total price will be a flat $100.00 which will include your next 5 for free.:D

hey, i don't want you to start missing the M$ way of doing things;)

ask away - if people don't want to answer you they won't. don't let anybody you're too new to ask a question of anykind. if vic knows where thse great threads are then he should be giving you good search words to use or even linking you to a thread rathar than bitching at you. besides look how much commentary you've generated. you should feel proud.
Originally posted by Squeek
Thanks thedbp and simX. Now I'm wondering where this mysterious login window is. I have two users on this computer - my dad and me. Is there a keystroke to type to enter a username other than the ones listed? I'm gonna take a wild guess at Command-Control-Esc. I'll try that in a few minutes.

4.) I want my Trash right back where it belongs, which is at the bottom right-hand corner of my desktop. Is this possible?

Um, you login to your computer, right? I assume so, because you have 2 users on your computer. The one that appears when you start up your computer? Don't tell me you haven't seen that one.... ;)

You might have auto-login on. Go to System Preferences, go to the Login pane, Login Window tab, and then uncheck the "Automatically Log In" box. Now press Command-Shift-Q, and press Return. You will now go to the login window. If you unchecked the box that I said, too, you'll be presented with this login window every time you start up -- be sure you know your login and password!

By the way, vic: would you mind not posting 4 posts of yours one after another... put them all in one post, and edit it if you want to add something.. it's kind of annoying.