Let me clear a few things up. Tree is Herve. he's a very nice guy. he's from Belgium and he doesn't speak english very well. the majority of his posts are using babblefish to translate. he will talk to you if you try replying to him and not talking about him and making fun of him. some of you who are acting so stupid about this have been here longer than i have. if you had payed any attention to herve in the past, you would know this. and yes, that's herve in the picture, NOT mulder. i've also seen pics of him with his family. that's what he looks like. Herve is in graduate school, or was last i heard, so there is no need to question his intelligence. it's probably much higher than some of those who make fun of him. probably higher than most of those who make fun of him.
Herve used to have daily conversations with admiralak, racerx, phil and myself. personally, i like him a lot. i named the Herve's Bar & Grill after him to honor him, not as a joke. he's probably started more friendly conversations about off the wall subjects than everyone else combined in his years here.
out of all the replies here, the only good one is jeffrito who is making an honest attempt to understand him. from my interpretation of the original post, i think he's pretty close.
so either try conversing with tree (as he prefers to be known these days) or ignore him. but chill at the sitting around gawking and making fun of him and questioning his mental state.
another little known fact about him - his sister was once hit by lightening.
so tree, what makes you think apple can't keep making the os better and better?