someone has to post this

I think what he means is that Jaguar is old and there will not be a demand for it when Panther is out. Panther is Apple's next release (as we all know - a big deal). Then they'll have to TOP that. If they can't Steve Jobs will fire everyone.
Well what was to stop them from saying,

"Steve we did Jaguar, but now, oh i don't think we can do it Steve. That's unpossible! Even if technology does evolve and we can always use existing technology. Steve we should throw in the towel. Please fire all of us! For God sakes! ahhh!!!!"

"Oh, Steve. Panther will be stalking mac users next week. Can we stop developing? I mean sure Jaguar did okay, but you can't expect us to come out with Lynx or Mountain Lion next year, can you?"

Ten years later:

"Steve, i know we promised you a race of atomic supermen but we're running short on time and there is not that much money available. If you can hear me in that frozen pickle jar, we need your help!"
Let me clear a few things up. Tree is Herve. he's a very nice guy. he's from Belgium and he doesn't speak english very well. the majority of his posts are using babblefish to translate. he will talk to you if you try replying to him and not talking about him and making fun of him. some of you who are acting so stupid about this have been here longer than i have. if you had payed any attention to herve in the past, you would know this. and yes, that's herve in the picture, NOT mulder. i've also seen pics of him with his family. that's what he looks like. Herve is in graduate school, or was last i heard, so there is no need to question his intelligence. it's probably much higher than some of those who make fun of him. probably higher than most of those who make fun of him.

Herve used to have daily conversations with admiralak, racerx, phil and myself. personally, i like him a lot. i named the Herve's Bar & Grill after him to honor him, not as a joke. he's probably started more friendly conversations about off the wall subjects than everyone else combined in his years here.

out of all the replies here, the only good one is jeffrito who is making an honest attempt to understand him. from my interpretation of the original post, i think he's pretty close.

so either try conversing with tree (as he prefers to be known these days) or ignore him. but chill at the sitting around gawking and making fun of him and questioning his mental state.

another little known fact about him - his sister was once hit by lightening. :)

so tree, what makes you think apple can't keep making the os better and better?
Originally posted by pds
I especially like the creative definition of "news". :D

News now means things that happened 4 months ago

tree/herve is the exception to many of our rules around here. he has earned that right long before most of you discovered this site. he'll probably be doing it long after many of you have gone. again, either be entertained by it, participate in or ignore it. but don't act like you're better than him.

tree is kinda like our mascot.

and just imagine what some of our posts must read like for him when he translates them thru babblefish. ::alien::
Edx it is always the same problem. selling a product I don't have seen Panther, but my iBook is pretty unreadable and if it is a particle problem about mine I haven't said anything.
out of all the replies here, the only good one is jeffrito who is making an honest attempt to understand him. from my interpretation of the original post, i think he's pretty close.

That's because these days jeffrito is so sick of bullsh*t. People are so mean to each other. We (Americans) can learn a lot from other countries. We are so pompus. I've started to think that America is just on some stupid pill lately. But now I've really figured it out - It's our age. Compared to the rest of the world we are such a young country. So basically we are at that juvinile stage - me, me, me.

I've always been interested in other languages, etc. In fact, I'm trying to write my on - I'm so sick of all these computer languages like Java. (Sorry, had to rant here.)

So for the rest of you me, me, me morons out there - take the admin's advice - (in my words) sit back, shut up, and listen for a while and learn something. Damn!

(And as far as the picture - I thought someone had put a young pic of Mulder up as a joke - that's why I said it was Mulder - If that is really tree... You go boy! You are good looking!)
Jeffrito, I am occupied with writing >= 1 klog of java (mac requirements: osx) then I will be recogniced as an academic programmer.
May the force be with you, tree. One day I will have developed my own language, and maybe you'll be writing in that instead!
Tree, het spijt me echt als je voelt dat ik heb je personlijk beleidigt. Ik vindt jou posts lief en hep jij niets tegen. Wel zijn ze soms hard om te begrijpen, maar, jij wijt dat en je komt steeds voor - ik vind dat leuk.

Mischien mijn post van niewere niewes was wat hard, maar, persoonlijk niet. Als je blief vergeet 't. Zou goed zijn als ik en beetje white out had... :D

Just wanted to appologize to tree for my past behavior. I'll watch myself closer from now on.

jeffrito: Good luck on your language! :)