Something big at MWSF?!

pst is GMT -8 hours

no itanium, the biggest thing to come out of MWSF will be steve introducing his new tiedye wardrobe :D

although some major rumor sites are saying he will be wearing a suit and tie :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
although some major rumor sites are saying he will be wearing a suit and tie :p

Rumor sites have the tendency to published the scariest ideas to attract readers !
MWSF will see G5. This is a leak but for those who worked in Apple, they all know Jobs has the tendency to pull out a product prior to release if he thinks he wants to improve on it.

Firewire 2.0 will be out. Taiwanese leak. Website was up for 2 days. They are one of the major manufacturers of Firewire External casing. And on the file was written FW2.0/USB2.0 for Mac.

This is just some snooping around from Mac User Group Singapore.

Originally posted by Silasthemac
Bluetooth Keyboards and Mice on everything!!!!!!!!!!!

You might not be wrong! Have a look at in the archives' first page -> wireless mouse and keyboard :D

Another interesting article is about dynamic ornemental appearance on

as for Firewire2, that's interesting Sergio
as for bluethooth wireless mouse, I hope they got two buttons and a scroll wheel at least!

I also beleive Apple will come up with something big on the musical side...All the Apple reps are working at the musics market developpement, music store etc...

BlueTooth is far too complicated to set up for basic Mac users (non-techies).

FireWire 2 and USB 2, yes, probably, and ATA-133 (for larger drives).
my hope and wish is that they give you the option to choose between a few things...

2 Button(or 3)/ one button

Black/White Pro Keybord

Bluetooth/non-Bluetooth ;)

and integrated bluetooth inside of all macs from now on!!!
oh and free airport cards :D
Of course, under the current climate of the threat of terrorism, higher security is completely understandable and doesn't really point to anything.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Steve got up on stage and said "Well, we now have the 64-bit PowerPC 970 with bluetooth everything, in a case that changes colour. And we're not releasing it. In fact, we're not even going to show it to you. You're all too cheeky by far, trying to get a peek at what we make before the glue's even dry on the prototypes. It'll serve you right! ... " ;-p
symphonix- it's pretty logical (about higher security that is) but I hope you're wrong ;)

I've just read over at (in French but it's my first language you know..) that an anonymous person who seemed well informed told there would be 11 announcements at MWSF

God I hope it's true!
Originally posted by Vyper
Maybe nothing's getting out because they scared the crap out of the employees when they threw the book at that employee who was leaking info

He wasn't an employee and at this point nobody has proven that Juan even exists.

Hyperbole... don't give in...

As far as "expecting" anything from MWSF... I agree with the previous post and wouldn't set one's sights so high as the fall might be too great when Apple has nothing worth reporting that the industry doesn't already know. Unless it's a new business plan. Then I'd be happy.

Originally posted by MacLegacy

I've just read over at (in French but it's my first language you know..) that an anonymous person who seemed well informed told there would be 11 announcements at MWSF

The 11 Announcements:

1. Do not have false gods. Steve Jobs is your savior.

2. Do not speak Steve Jobs name in vein.

3. Keep holy the day of MWSF.

4. Honor your mouse and keyboard. They will be wireless.

5. Do not su do kill. Our software is stable.

6. Do not use a PC. It is evil.

7. Do not pirate software.

8. Do not lie. Just tell people that they don't need faster computers just yet.

9. Honor your neighbor's Mac, as he has upgradith.

10. Honor your neighbor's iPod, as if you continue to do good deeds and be a dedicated iFanatic, you may one day be able to afford one.

11. Ours always goes to eleven, even if ten could be the highest.
