Having finder open (or closed) shouldn't have any effect on the results of prebinding.
In a nutshell, this is what prebinding is all about.
Most applications make calls to shared libraries. These libraries contain code for common functions. Things like accessing files, writing output to the screen, etc.
When an application starts, the OS has to make sure that all the dependent libraries are in memory. It also has to know where in the memory those libraries are.
Prebinding is a way of making a note of where those libraries are (or are going to be) so that your app doesn't have to go looking around for them as it starts up.
Installing dev tools *might* install faster versions of these libraries. I don't know. I can't see why it would update prebinding if it didn't change the libraries. That could explain the speed difference that people are seeing.
One final note, using normal observation and computer use to see if something is faster is notorious for producing lousy results. As a developer, I've sped up application operations from 30 to 15 seconds only to hear my user report, "Nope, it's still slow." I've done things that shouldn't make it any faster at all and received praise for making it faster.
The truth is, if you want to know if it's "really" faster you should have before and after times, you should test under identical conditions, and you should use a reliable timer. Everything else is subject to the operator's mood, the amount of free memory, etc.
Ok, now I'm just droning on.

If anybody would like to correct a mistake in what I said (or simply comment) feel free. I'm always willing to learn.