hi there
i own an ibook g4 and for a few days now it come sup with a warning that MY STARTUP DISK IS NEARLY FULL and that i need to delete some files.
i dont know where/what my startup disk is.
i've moved all my files to applications as i thought that might be the reason for the warning.
yesterday i couldn't even do any work in photoshop as another warnign came up about a different disk problem (not startup disk though).
i'm a little confused what the problem is ..
i'm a photographer, but although i got quite a few pix saved on my computer there are 132 MB's available .. although that has changed since yesterday when it said 115 MB's free
i don't want to delete any files unless i know that the files are the issue.
my warrantee runs out in 2 weeks - do you think i should go to the apple store or can i sort it out myself?
thank you!
kindest regards
London, uk
i own an ibook g4 and for a few days now it come sup with a warning that MY STARTUP DISK IS NEARLY FULL and that i need to delete some files.
i dont know where/what my startup disk is.
i've moved all my files to applications as i thought that might be the reason for the warning.
yesterday i couldn't even do any work in photoshop as another warnign came up about a different disk problem (not startup disk though).
i'm a little confused what the problem is ..
i'm a photographer, but although i got quite a few pix saved on my computer there are 132 MB's available .. although that has changed since yesterday when it said 115 MB's free
i don't want to delete any files unless i know that the files are the issue.
my warrantee runs out in 2 weeks - do you think i should go to the apple store or can i sort it out myself?
thank you!
kindest regards
London, uk