Sun xVM VirtualBox


I am running Windows 7 beta using Sun's VirtualBox.

The installation went well, but the window is only 400 pixels wide and I can't seem to make it bigger (I can't se anything in the manual).

Does anyone know how this can be done?
There's something similar to VMware Tools in VirtualBox, but I forget the name of it. You might have to install that in the Windows 7 guest OS through VirtualBox.
Yes - good suggestion. It is Install Guest Additions.

I think Sun's VirtualBox is slightly quicker than VMware (and I can't get VMware to allow a network connecgtion for reasons I don't understand).
I'm running Windows 7 beta build 7000 under VirtualBox, and after installing the guest machine additions, I still can't get a widescreen resolution. It's either 800x600 or 1024x768.

Got any hints?


Nixgeek suggested a good idea.

I don't know why I get 1600x1200 resolution and you don't.

VirtuqBox has a reasonable manual, but is a bit lean with troubleshooting.
That's still a 4:3 resolution, though. It seems that widescreen doesn't work somehow? What's the emulated graphics card?
I just started using VB, no issues with resolution. I have the same setup as you. Airbook 1.6 80HDD 2GB Ram, try the new build 7100. Should prove to be quite acceptable
its called as "Install guest editions".

boot your OS image in virtualbox. once the OS is booted, from the main menu of virtual box ---- devices > install guest editions

and then regularly, right click on your windows desktop and change your screen resolution.

I'm not sure if this is supported with Windows 7, but with other OSes with Guest Additions, you can change the resolution to anything at all by resizing the VirtualBox window. There's an option in the Machine menu, I think. Can't remember what it's called off the top of my head. I've used it to get resolutions that were missing from the guest OS's interface, no problem.