I use a PC at home and a Mac (OSX) at work. I also used to use OS9 at work. I am driven to distraction with managing multiple open windows on my desktop in OSX. How on earth do you swtich between open windows /without/ minimising them? I am always having to shift windows about on the desktop and feel constantly cluttered working with OSX. I can't believe the interface is so badly designed! Although not a mac person I actually quite liked the system in OS9 where you could roll up windows and arrange them as bars at the top of the screen. Is there a away to do this in OSX, or alternatively, how do you get open (non minimised) windows to appear in the taskbar? (or whatever it's called in macland). Also, it would be good if they were labelled so that you weren't always having to peer at the little pictures trying to work out what the hell they are. Thanks.