terminal report for Seagate HD


Hallo all :

My Seagate ES.2 500GB hd just stopped one day - Seagate says is not effected by firmware bug - HD still spins - just does not recognize is hard case or other computer -

am told to get a terminal report - countless instruction on a PC - I am all Mac

can anyone lend some assist here - I have all the cables and power - not sure of commands or how to get terminal report on this HD

cheers in advance
Say Satcomer:

HD is not recognized - wont boot machine (s ) - tried in 2 different and not in HD case - so dont see how disc utilities will help as it spins but does not show up - hence the need for a terminal report

I seek the equivilant to PuTTY or Hyperterminal for Mac - unless someone knows for Terminal

PuTTY and Hyperterminal are closely mirrored by the Terminal, and the UNIX command "telnet," respectively.

What, exactly, is a "Terminal report"?
Say ElDiabloConCaca:

I guess a terminal report is a detailed communication with this non booting HD thru terminal window - I assume all I have talked with on HDD Guru are PC users
Hmmm... not sure what those PC people mean from their side, either.

The only thing Google turns up with a search for "hard drive terminal report" is another thread on another forum with a gentle-person eerily similar to yourself and the wording of your original reply.

Can you inquire of these PC people as to what, precisely, they mean by "terminal report" and what software they use on a PC to execute such a procedure?
Say ElDiabloConCaca:

not sure which forum you found - last communication on HDDGuru - suggested Hyperterminal or PuTtY equiv. for Mac

several sites speak of jumping the PCB - all done from PC machine and those on other forums speak of only installing updates possible from PC machine - dunno if this is true or inexperience talking
