Thanks Apple


Apple seeder
Guys.. everyone has been complaining...and i have to admit....i was complaining too, but tonight i was playing aroud with OSX...and one question popped on my mind.. Do we really realize what a great OS OSX is?
Man is beautiful is "reliable" aqua is just gorgeous.. nothing like it .. i know there are still problems, but Apple always fixed everything sommehow....soooo.... Thanks Apple for the beautiful and great OS...thanks thanks thanks

I hope everyone can realize this OS is so far superior to <b>ANYTHING</b> running on a Personal computer.

Start looking at the features...
I have installed on a separate partition and have done some file by file comparisons.

Like, for example, the incredible handling of languages.

or in System/Library, there had been a "Preference" folder which contained the code for the Systems preferences Panels.

I remember several months ago, I read a report of some guy who shot himself in the foot by going into that folder deleting things , thinking it was the preferece data files.

Apple has renamed the folder to

<b>"PreferencePanes"</b> now future migrators won't be as easily confused.

These are just a few examples, there are tons more of improvements under-the-hood which will only become evident over time.

some are rather stunnning... but others will be subdued... all of them are great.

The rest of this year will see further refinements and the porting of most of the "MacStandard" Applications.

Constructing a Powerhouse which is equally friendly to novice and expert alike takes a significant plan and exquisite execution.

The drivers will come, be patient.
I totally agree, when I first started using OSX i was like, wow this is cool, but far too strange for me to get used to fast. Now, I 've learned alot about the terminal, Apache, and various other technologies which make me more excited about this OS than some of my creations from graphics apps video, 2d, web interactive or otherwise. And this is just an OS causing this excitement. OSX is amazing and I cant stand having to use classic apps. I will happily use them though until they are X savvy and shipping. Long live Apple and OSX...(cliche' but my feelings)
It's still slower than Molass-ASS. That's like saying you have a really nice car, spit polished and everything but there is NO ENGINE IN IT! C'mon 10.1 was a LONG way to go. Sure it's stable, sure it's this, sure it's that, but one thing it ISN'T is fast. In the computer world (and the real world for that matter) speed is everything. Just look at the megahertz war crap going on. YOU MUST HAVE FASTER or you lose out. Anyway I have to say 10.1 boggs down my day and wastes my time. As did this message. If 10.1 wasn't so damn slow I wouldn't have wasted my time replying to this email..thus wasting more time. Thanks apple. :P
Zippygaloo: What computer do you use?

It may not be your case but people with years old machine bitching about speed should learn that in computing, if you want speed with the latest software, you need recent hardware.

This goes for *any* platform...

As for myself, I have been using 10.0 since the beginning as my main OS. The speed loss (in some areas - OS X is faster than OS 9 for many things) was greatly compensated for by the features that came with it. Now I am going to be in the local Mac store at 9 (opening time) this morning to get my copie of 10.0 (update or not - I want it now and I don't care if I have to pay the full price again). That said, I will definetely welcome the speed boost it is supposed to provide.

I will add my applause and thanks to Apple. What they did with this OS is just amazing.

Yes Thank you Apple! :mad:
For a very fast very nice OS, and
THANK YOU for kicking your loyal customers in the ass by not supporting them :mad:

Originally posted by zippygaloo
It's still slower than Molass-ASS. That's like saying you have a really nice car, spit polished and everything but there is NO ENGINE IN IT! C'mon 10.1 was a LONG way to go. Sure it's stable, sure it's this, sure it's that, but one thing it ISN'T is fast. In the computer world (and the real world for that matter) speed is everything. Just look at the megahertz war crap going on. YOU MUST HAVE FASTER or you lose out. Anyway I have to say 10.1 boggs down my day and wastes my time. As did this message. If 10.1 wasn't so damn slow I wouldn't have wasted my time replying to this email..thus wasting more time. Thanks apple. :P

YES it is FAST on my computer. YES it is FASTER than 9.2.1 on MY computer and anyone elses who has adequate RAM and especially dual processors. How many freezes do you get in X? How many in 9?
Dont use your own crappy experience with the OS to try and speak for everyone. We all stated that we love Apple and X because they are great for US not YOU. So quit whining and trying to speak for the Mac collective. Dont use X if your slow sytem cant run it adequately, no one is forcing you.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Yes Thank you Apple! :mad:
For a very fast very nice OS, and
THANK YOU for kicking your loyal customers in the ass by not supporting them :mad:


Maybe it's time to upgrade....
Time for an upgrage ?
Did you take a look at my specs in my signature ?
I dont have the $$$ to get a new computer AND peripherals eveyr 2 years!

What makes you say that speed is everything? Just because when you click "ok" on a Photoshop filter and are able to complete that task in .5 seconds less does not make you more productive.

The way you work and get things done is what makes you productive. I think Apple is combating the megahertz wars by showing SOLUTIONS to creative problems, and showing elegant ways of getting things done, and well thought out interfaces.

I think people are getting fed up with the fact that today's computer is obsolete and are caring less about megahertz.

The truth is, even on my original iBook 10.1 is responsive and quite usable. Maybe a fraction of a second is lost here and there in my work, but so what? I'm more productive in this OS because it works well! I prefer working in a workspace where applications work within a consistent framework and ease-of-use is not acheived by adding more wizards and automation (i.e. XP).

My point is the speed which occurs after you click "ok" or execute any other command is only a SMALL factor in overall productivity. If I find 10.1 usable on my little iBook, then...
Originally posted by besson3c

The way you work and get things done is what makes you productive. I think Apple is combating the megahertz wars by showing SOLUTIONS to creative problems, and showing elegant ways of getting things done, and well thought out interfaces.

...poetry... pure poetry :)
I was reluctant to open this thread thinking it was more whining about getting the upgrade or paying $20 for. OS X is great! It is fast and stable. I don't know what hardware or why zippygaloo complains about the speed. Bogs down your day, get real? I would much rather use OS 10.1 o my 450 Cube than run Windows 2000 on my Dell 8100, 17ghz P4. I am very happy with 10.1. Then of course AdmiralK had to put his 2 cents in and ruin the party.
Normally I look at the bright side of things,
Normally I am a VERY pro apple guy
Today is not a normal day....
I got OS X in the hopes that DVD, CD-R and other issues would be worked out by the next update, update 10.1, which is mind you what apple promised. Apple promised CD-R and DVD with 10.1, but it did not do so with disclaimers and conditions. I got the update, I unstalled it and does my DVD play DVD discs ? Noooooo.... does my CD-R work ? nooooo cause its SCSI.

Dont get me wrong, I like the speed increase I get with the update but what about apple's broken promises ? My mac IS NOT an old mac! It's what I would consider a normal mac. Not everyone has the dought to go out and buy a new mac every year!


As with all the Mac OS X releases we've had, 10.1 is Apple's way of saying "here's what we've got done so far"... there is a lot of evidence that some of the features currently in it are not 100% complete. That doesn't mean they'll never be complete.
hey Admiral,

maybe your complaint should be with the companies who built and support your SCSI devices? Im sorta in the same boat except my SCSI stuff is brand new. I forked out the $400 some bucks for a dual channel Ultra160 Adaptec card, and another $200 for a 10k RPM Ultra160 Quantum 9 gig. But im not pissed at Apple for the cheesy support for the HBA in 10.1, my cross-ness lies with Adaptec....

just my take my take on it though....
MacOS X.1 is the best OS I ever used.

No doubt about it. I don't get it when people are complaining that their IE takes one more bounce than what was shown in Seybold.

This OS is awesome! I know enough PC guys which asked me if they could take a look at it since they saw screenshots! NO SHIT!

DVD playback is awesome here! I have a dozen of apps open, CPU monitor, Entourage X beta, Terminal, Console, Process Viewer, iTunes, Preview and Quicktime and the DVD player somewhere behind all those windows and it plays without dropping a frame.

I LOVE THIS OS!!! When I used 10 to 10.0.4, I always dreamed of how it would be if the OS is "usable"...and now it is!

Apple...good job ;)

And if Connectix now gets VPC working on my OS X machine, I think my little world over here is perfect...

Just my two cents.

If I was in Admiral's boat, I'd be pissed off too. But please don't put bad intentions into Apple's actions. The company is working as fast as than can. They know the slower X matures the more displeased customers will be.

People have been screaming victim before 10.0 was released in March. Unsupported machines, consumers need to understand the upgrade lifespan of hardware is small. Missing features, customers need to research before they buy. $20 upgrade for shipping product with dev CD, free alternative exists. And now immediate availablity of said FREE product, when the product will be distributed in this fashion for a month.

Apple is creating a great product. We are not entitled to features before they can be developed. Apple has delivery deadlines that have to met nomatter the state of X. Throwing more people at a development task does not shorten time to completion. Until they say "X will not support abc" we cannot pass judgement. But we can be irritated.

Having worked in numerous development shops and understanding the hundreds of reasons why corners have to be cut, I just get little fustrated when consumers feel entitled to stuff that cannot logistically happen.

Thank You
My DVD works pefectly. I had no trouble with the OS once I got it running.

I WISH I had a CDRW. I really need one. But I'd rather have a DVDRW or whatever. I could use that to back up.

The DVD player REALLY blew me away. With OS 9's DVD player, when I pause it took an extra 2 or 3 seconds before it actually paused. And if I skipped around it was very slow. But 10.1's version is extremely fast and makes me happy I have a DVD player. Now.. If I only had a CDRW.
Soon, Jasoco, Soon. :D

I LOVE this OS. It's a really great accomplishment. I believe Apple accomplished a lot in the last 6 months. And I'm sure they'll accomplish even MORE in the NEXT 6 months.

I am ticked off... but I dont feel like a victim :p

I think I will stick to OS 9 as my mian OS and have OS X as my developemnt OS to do HTML-ing, JAVA-ing and C-ing.

I RE-installed OS X cleanly *again* today, having all drives on but burn would not install.

I check OrangeMicro's site to see if they had anything for OS X but they did not. SCSI has been *fundemental* to the macs since the 128k mac I think. There has always been SCSI support. I can understand the need to cut off serial support but why not develop SCSI support right away? I cannot use my Zip drive nor my CD-RW (even to read CDs) in OS X

As for the DVD, I am just ticked because they said DVD by 10.1 with no fine print.

Ah shucks... anyway... Just my 2 cents ;)
