The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

Does anyone know if USB printer sharing is making a return any time soon? Its absence has really messed up my network printing options.
Originally posted by Myke
In cae anyone is interested in Fruitmenu it is available at:


I really didn't like Fruit Menu.. but I absolutely LOVED WindowShadeX. I bought it a few weeks ago. $7.. Not bad. And it works almost flawlessly (Only flaw I've seen so far is when you WindowShade a window with Drawers (Like the drawer does a weird little dance before it hides.
Originally posted by Myke

If someone can explain (simply please, since SimX clearly considers that I'm a moron!) how to open my apps in the dock with one click, I'd be ecstatic!
PS SimX ...are you like this at home?

Try this..

1) Drag your apps folder or whatever folder into your dock.
2) click ONCE and HOLD on that folder in the dock.
3) a pop-up list of the folder contents should show.
4) move the mouse to the app you want to start, and release.

a) if you simply click (and release) on the folder in the dock, a finder window will open with the contents.
b) if you release the mouse button on a folder in the pop-up list a finder window will open with to that folder.

it really is easy and single click. I use a double click with a right mouse button, but that just my choice. I ike to move thru the pop-up list without holding the button, then click again on the item I want.
control-click works too, and is faster (I always navigate the finder with one hand over control - loads of useful shortcuts)

Bernie :o)
Iamnotmad thanks for your suggestion, but in fact, as I replied to aqualung,
this got sorted out a while back in the thread.

Since some of you haven't read that far, I should reiterate that I eventually discovered that my problem was that I had an alias to the apps folder in the dock, not the folder itself. That prevented this workaround from functioning.

Re the comments on Fruitmenu, it is just one of many ways around the app switching problem. The solutions are all from third party developers. It is just a pity Apple didn't give this any thought. I suspect that's because they were blinded by the supposed functionality of the dock.

Anyway, each to his/her own taste. That's one of the main advantages we have over the Wintel people - customisation.