The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

PS note the time stamps of our posts :-)
it looks like mine come 2 minutes later... I wonder if I can get it faster LOL

Well I tried out your suggestions and nothing seemed to work which had me stumped.

Then I thought. I haven't got the FOLDER in the dock, I've got an ALIAS to the folder.

So I made a new folder, dragged it into the dock ...and it works.

Thanks for all your suggestions ...that's what makes this site so essential...

My biggest problem with using the Applications folder as a hierarchical menu in osX was that there was always a 3-10 second delay to display subfolders- esp if they had more than 10 files in them. I also disliked having to scrub around trying to figure out which file was the actual application. Bonus over the apple menu: at least with this you can see the icon of the file. If you have two things which have close to the same name, lots of difficulty.

My resolution was to use aliases and create Dock Menus in my application folder. With the paned view I can create aliases and sort them after installing new software very quickly. They take up more space on my dock- but I can access any of them with relative ease.
Originally posted by efoivx
In fact with extremely little effort you can get X to look and act nearly exactly as 9. why I'll never know but here ya go

here's a dt shot


Hey, what're those Tabbed "Folders"?

Do they work on the Side of the screen? I like my Dock on the bottom so I'd need tabs on the sides. :)

Also, what are those icons on the menubar? The Push Pin and the Speaker? I know what the Finder icon is.. and what's the far right one??

[Edit: Now I see.. They DO work on the side... but what are they?]
PS incase you want to use Drop Drawers like the old pop up folders in classic....

Drop Drawers only holds aliases! so if you drag into them directly you will put an alias in them...

if you want to move files to other folders put an alias to that folder in a drop drawer and drop into that folder :-) !!!! now you have drop folders with sub cats!


if you need this explained clearer just ask
Spring loaded folders? wtf is that and why are they so great ... I always thought that that was like the little delay before opening the folder or something ... some one wanna explain this to me? Oh and my one thing for Mac OS X.2 is a print out listing all the reasons why macs are better than pcs so that I dont have to tell everyone every time I say I have a mac why they are so much better :)
Will it also have a list of why PCs are better than Macs, so you can tell these people that Macs are better for some things and PCs are better for others? Want a list also why my Sun is better than your Mac? ;-)
Spring-loaded Folders are the ones that would pop open if you need to drag a file across a large span of folders then they'd pop closed again at the end. Exactly what you thought they were. And they're VERY IMPORTANT. Apple NEED'S to bring them back. Remember, the features missing from X aren't missing because Apple doesn't WANT them. They're missing because they were never IN the OS to begin with. It's up to us to pick what we want back and tell Apple about it. Notice that most features that weren't in the OS when Steve left in 1985 aren't in it now.
Spring-loaded Folders
Tabbed folders
The Menubar Clock (Was missing at first in the Beta. Apple returned it after we complaigned)
Apple menu Aliases (They weren't introduced until System 7 changed the file system layout. Now they're gone again.)
HD Custom Icons (Were also missing in the Beta up til 10.1 and weren't possible in System <6 either.)

All the rest of the stuff is just NeXTStep features Steve's trying to push on us. While many of those features are cool, some aren't "Mac-like" and will only be changed if we tell Apple to change it.

Oh, and efoivx, I should have known it was DropDrawers. I Just noticed its icon in the menu in your screenshot. D'OH! Anyway, thanks for the link. I love them. :D

BTW, in DropDrawersX, is it possible to hide the applications icon in the Dock? I don't need it showing and would be much happier if it were hidden. It's also brightly colored and distracting.
.. and it wasn't even a full day!

Thanks you guys for clearing up that misunderstanding with Myke about the Apple Menu in the Dock. Now I've learned something. ;) It's worth noting that with the Dock, you should never use aliases, because you're not really moving the folder/file to the Dock -- the Dock creates an alias of it, really, so you're basically making an alias of an alias if you do that, and then you have the potential of having more question marks in the Dock.

Sorry, Myke, for getting so angry. I overlooked the fact that you might not have put the actual folder into the Dock.

Oh, yeah, and I'd just like to say that we all should send Apple a feedback comment (as soon as you read this post) that they should add spring-loaded folders back. That'll be like 100 more feedback reports to them about it. Hopefully that'll sway them. :)
RE: hiding the dock icon for Drop Drawers

not possible (already tried) it has no info.plist and no plist resource
if it had either of these you could add

this would hide the icon in the dock only it has one side effect... you can no longer use the apps menus either. so you would need to set things up first then hide it. if you need to make changes remove that line from the info.plist

but this is not relevant since it can't be done to drop drawers anyway.

Actually, it Could. If it were Cocoa.

Now, notice that the DropDrawers app and the actual tabs are separate. I saw an application called FuzzyClock which has the option to be hidden in the Dock and when you switch to it it would still show its menus but the icon wouldn't be shown.

All they need to do in DropDrawers is the same thing.

OR make DropDrawers a Preference Panel and sorta integrate it into the OS. It'd take a lot more coding and editing, but it'd be cool. Anyway, the app is awesome and I'm glad I downloaded it.
Originally posted by simX
Thanks you guys for clearing up that misunderstanding with Myke about the Apple Menu in the Dock. Now I've learned something. ;) It's worth noting that with the Dock, you should never use aliases, because you're not really moving the folder/file to the Dock -- the Dock creates an alias of it, really, so you're basically making an alias of an alias if you do that, and then you have the potential of having more question marks in the Dock.

Actually, I have some folders in the dock and some aliases. I have my "Apple menu" as a folder, and I have big folders full of documents as aliases, that way, if I right click them by accident, it doesn't take forever to show the folder's contents.
i can deal with the speed i have right now...
i want themes, schemes, and CUSTOMIZATION TO THE FULLEST. cmon cmon..... thats the best
Originally posted by Jayem
i can deal with the speed i have right now...
i want themes, schemes, and CUSTOMIZATION TO THE FULLEST. cmon cmon..... thats the best

You're right on the nose there. If Apple doesn't embrace themes soon, I don't know what I'll do. I might end up living with it. Though I won't be happy. Or I may just walk up to Steve at the next Expo and slap him in the back of the head. Who knows? ;)

Nah.. I wouldn't hit him. I'd just talk to him about it. Though that'd never do much good. He'd give one of those industry standard "Well, I'll see what I can do. But I can't promise anything."