The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

Why not make it simple?... :)
I've put the whole Applications folder in my dock, and the folders inside the Applications folder appear as submenus. I've also put the Documents folder, the Downloads folder and a folder where I have a lot of links and carracho servers. I love it! And, just to make it look cool, I made some really cool icons with an app called "Can Combine Icons". Wonderful!
I sent a Suggestion to the author of DropDrawersX. This is his reply:

This is very often suggested - the main thing holding it back is that
hidden drawers would not be accessible in any way (currently, they are
accessed via the main 'Drawers' menu). Once a suitable approach to this
issue is worked out, you should see an option for the Drop Drawers icon
to disappear.

Thanks again - your feedback is appreciated.

Gideon Greenspan
Sig Software

I replied with a suggestion that may help them. So with luck, we should see a Hide icon option soon. I hope. I don't know their release schedules.
1. I would really love the ability to disable or remap the F12 - Media Eject function.

I have the original Apple USB Keyboard, which everyone hated for having tiny keys. I've actually gotten used to it and I kind of like it. (And the absence of a power key on the replacement version is appalling.)

The tiny F12 key on this keyboard is located just above and very close to the Delete key - and the way I type, the Delete key is my friend. At least once a day I hit f12 by mistake, which opens my CD-ROM tray. It' sonly slightly annoying in an of itself.

But it is maddening that I can not remap that function!

2. - as has been mentioned already - needs serious work. It is one of the great things about OS X, that we finally have a command line - and that it is UNIX, but the rest of the unix world has been developing really great terminal apps such as E-Term. They make seem clumsy and archaic. Clumsy and archaic is so far from the Apple way...
Oh, they SO need to work on that F12 key deal... I can't post a message without ejecting the drive at least two times.

Basically, it would be great to have every silly feature we were used to in OS9 in OSX. Spring loaded folders, colored labels, changeable system fonts, annoying system sound effects, more speed and faster window resizing/redraws, more options like disabling live window dragging, etc etc.

I'd also like to have skins and stuff, but that can wait, and I suspect it will (apple has never really embraced changing appearance too much, aside from hues and fonts)

Some day, and I suspect that this is more a kernel issue, it would be great to have an accelerated IO kit so my 66mhz 486 with linux wouldn't be redrawing afterstep quicker than my 733 G4. But I don't really know or understand how to fix this. (And I did exagerate, however we should be able to move XF86 windows and Aqua windows as fast as os9 windows by 10.5, IM(not so)HO.
Originally posted by julguribye
I don't think Apple will ever implement spring-loaded folders in X becuse of their new browsing vison with internet-like windows...

Ta Dah!!!

With a musical accord, apple release spring loadedfolers in OSX (10.2 beta)... Now everybody repeat after me:


Bernie :o)
Definitely speed optimization. It would also be nice to be able to turn off some of the transparencies and visual effects.

Spring loaded folders would be nice.

Also, if the maximize button on windows would take into consideration for the dimension and placement of the Dock so that it won't maximize to be hidden beneath it would be nice.

Did I mention speed optimization already?


Originally posted by phatsharpie

Also, if the maximize button on windows would take into consideration for the dimension and placement of the Dock so that it won't maximize to be hidden beneath it would be nice.

I think all windows must stay away from under the Dock, except if the dock is turned on Hiding.

And an other thing: If you scroll in a window to the bottom of that window, and you open a folder at the bottom of the window and it opens in the same window, the scrollbar keeps down, whether there are folder/files or not, and it don't go to the beginning of the new window. So that you have to scroll back to the top by your selve... Just an annoying little thing.

Whoa! Blast from the past! My last post was in November.

Anyway, since then I got off my "DropDrawers" hitch and switched to "DragThing" I love it...

And I can't wait for 10.2... What else is in it? Any website listing some cool stuff? That'd better not be the only thing new.

I still want Labels (Actually I wouldn't mind badges ala "Nautalus Linux") and tons of other stuff. Themes comes to mind. They'd better integrate that into the OS soon or I'll scream.

Don't need WindowShades as someone made that and I already paid my $7 for it. Works like a charm!

Hows about Sound Schemes? I miss em. Some nice peaceful watery sounding theme would be perfect for Aqua.. I tried Xounds, but that has problems with the sound not always playing.

More color choices for Aqua was one of my early requests before 10.1.. Nope. Didn't add em.

All in all, they need to put all the stuff they took out of OS 9 into OS X. Well, the stuff that wasn't changed to something else. I mean all those cool little things we grew to love and lost when Steve told the programmers not to bother adding them. Why, Steve? Don't you know we love those features!?
Originally posted by bighairydog

Ta Dah!!!

With a musical accord, apple release spring loadedfolers in OSX (10.2 beta)... Now everybody repeat after me:


Bernie :o)

Guess I was wrong, but anyway it's great!:) But I still think Apple will keep those internet-like windows as default.
Originally posted by julguribye
I hope Apple also add more cool things, like smooth window scrolling. I have seen this in Opera and it's really cool.

Heh, this is exactly what I'd neet ot shut my friend up. Every time he comes over he jokes that his Windows IE can do smooth scrolling and mine doesn't. Come on, Apple! Let's get him!
Aw, dammit! I knew it! The pictures are gone from that article. I HATE ThinkSecret. They always take the images down because of Apple. About 99% of the time before I get there! Does anyone have any? I like screenshots! I hate reading! I gotta start going to sites early. Download the images and back them up to my site.. shhh... then when someone complains, Poof! I send them some links to the images.

But it's nice to hear Spring-loaded folders are coming back. Yay! I never realized how much I used them till I switched to X. Wonder, will they work in the Dock too? And can I beg the programmer of "DragThing" to incorporate this into his app too?

As for the "Last Post" remark, I meant in this thread. Not as in the Forums. :D I've posted here many-a-time since then.
From Think Secret:
More interesting is an piece of new functionality pertaining to minimized windows in the dock. When any window is moved to the dock, clicking it will return it to normal size, as in 10.1. However, dragging it outside of the dock will leave the tiny minimized window floating on the screen, and it can then be repositioned to anywhere on the screen. Click the mini-window, and it scales back to full size. This functionality has long been included in other flavors of Unix.

I can't really picture this, but it sounds interesting. And it gives me the feeling that Apple really does care. Now, I hope they care enough to ADD THEME SUPPORT TO OS X!

Frankly. I want all the options they can cram into the OS. Be it a former OpenStep feature, or something Window users have been teasing us with, or something from the BeOS or OS/2.. If it's cool.. DO IT!

Another thing I forgot to mention was Tear-off Menus. I think that'd be awesome. Tear the menu off, it'll compress and become a floating palette. The palette will only be available in that app. And it will save these settings even if you quit the app or shut down because they can make it System level. Make it so both Carbon and Cocoa apps can do it. Sorry, Classic. Get yer own.

Another thing I just made up (I believe) is a dynamic Trash Can. Picture this. Instead of Trash in the Dock or on the Desktop. Make it hidden. But make it so it pops up in the bottom corner whenever you begin a drag operation. Like start dragging a file, it pops the trash up. Start dragging a disk, it pops up. Start dragging something in an application, it pops up. And it's always on top and has a nice shadow. And is always in the bottom left corner.
Oh, and one little pet peeve I have is the way Folders are sorted in a list. I know "Folder" starts with "F" so it get's listed under the "F"'s when listing by kind. But I came from a Windows world. And in that world, the Explorer sorted Folders always at the end of the list. The way it would make sense. I hate having to scroll down to get to the folders when I am trying to navigate a Column View or an Open/Save dialog. Takes too much time. And I guess they could make it an option. Make people happy. "Sort Folders with Files" or "Always place Folders at top of list".. I know I'd pick the second option. This would account for all file listings. Be it List view, Columns View or Icon View..

Another thing I wanna see is another view. Now, some of you may yell at me for suggesting it because it would resemble Windows XP's Tiles view. I just plain like it. It consists of the icon on the left with the name on the right. Now, I'd go one further and put other info under the name like Size, Modified, Kind, etc.. And these would all be customizable. I made a screenshot mock up.


  • tileviewmockup.gif
    67.8 KB · Views: 33
I want two things for the OSX Christmas:
1. An Apple supplied fix to the numerous bugs in the Intenet Connect Utility.

2. A variable sized RAM Disk in paritioned memory. This would include and updated algorithm to detect stale webpages off the Net. That would alone make IE5 alot faster.

3. A distribution procedure on CD similiar to what was used for OSX 10.1
you guys have pretty much covered everything I'd want.

a semi-related question the last post made me think of:

will 10.2 be a full-priced upgrade?

I would think not. If it is not, when do you think that they'll stick us with a full-priced upgrade?

The old MacOS days are so hazy for me, I cannot remember how they did it before. I know I had to pay for OS 9, but before that, I'm blank.
Apple Menu

The only thing I find really irritating is the lack of customisation in the Apple menue.

Currrently there is no way to move between apps with a single click of the mouse.

The Apple menu is the only menu always available and in OS9 it could be customised to put your apps there.

This is - sorry Apple - much more convenient than using the dock.

I now have an 'apps' folder in the dock for frequently used apps so I can open new apps quickly.

But it still takes three click to open the app ...once on the dock, then on the apps folder and finally on the app.

This is such bullsh!t.

You can have as many Apple menus as you like in the dock, with exactly the same functionality. Here's how:

1. Make a folder, and fill it with aliases to all of your apps.

2. Paste a custom icon on the folder so you can tell what it is.

3. Put the folder in the dock.

4. Right click on the folder (or control click, or click and hold), and you get a menu, then select the app you want to open and click on it.

That's it. Apple menu functionality, and you can make as many folders as you like for this. In fact it's better than the apple menu because it's not full of clutter.

I also suggest putting your documents folder in the dock, so you can access all of your documents quickly and easily.
Aqualung, apart from your choice language, you haven't been following the thread. If you had, you would realise that this got sorted way back.

Incidentally I tried the method you advocate and, yes it works OK.

However, then someone told me about Fruitmenu, which allows you full customisation - better in fact than in OS9.

So - for the sake of $7 I thought I'd give it a go. It goes great and I'm back to my old method of working.

I find it involes far fewer wrist contortions than putting an apps folder in the dock. Drop down menus, in my view, are always best.

In cae anyone is interested in Fruitmenu it is available at:
