The *book buyer's dillema...


Simply Daemonic
Aaaaalll right...
Here's the situation:
G3 blue and white at home working great, although I find the need to be mobile more and more, and seeing how my G3 is a tower and cant move this is a problem. I still want to keep my G3 but I am looking for a new primary device.

my options?
iBook G4
Pros:G4 processor, nice look, enough memory for now, bluetooth ( :D )
Cons: Memory max out at 640MB, no superdrive, no backlit keyboard

powerbook G4
Pros: backlit keyboard, higher resolution, PCMCIA slot, memory up to 2GB, superdrive
Cons: No bluetooth, price (ouch)

I really need bluetooth, but I do not want to be limited to a no DVD-R capability and dont want to be limited to 640MB of memory (my G3 has 702 in it now). Do you think I should wait and see what comes down the road in the near future (PB with bluetooth?) or just say to hell with it and buy a PB and a BT adapter (pain in the derriere) ?
While the iBook is made with the clutz in mind, the PowerBook is probably more of what you need. :)
Many of my clients have been very happy with the 14" iBooks (even the G3 versions). I would point out that Apple's maximum memory for their systems is based on what is currently available in the way of memory. Apple said that my PowerBook Wallstreet would have a maximum memory of 192 MB... I have 512 MB installed on mine right now.

It'll always be a combination of budget and needs when you pick a system. For me (and my budget) my old Wallstreet was great. I put money into it as I had it and I haven't felt any burning need to buy a new system (the G4/500 upgrade eliminated our plans for an eMac by filling almost all of our needs... except in the area of games, but we don't make room in our budget to spend that kind of money on games).

The current 15" PowerBooks seems to be the best for usability and portability (they were having display problems in the early versions), while the 14" iBooks seem like they would be the best value verses there usability and portability.
Powerbook may probably keep you happier longer. :) all g4 pbs have bluetooth .. and ram - you may want to later upgrade your ram.

I'm sure the g4 iBook satisfies many many users .. but PB sound what you really want. If you'll use the mac for lets say 2 years longer you'd use the iBook, the price/year will be lower ..
Hi Tolya!! i hope all is well with you. i just wanted to remind you that MWSF is only 2 weeks away and any changes to the offerings will come out then. seems worth waiting to see if anything happens. it almost always does, even if it's something minor.
they DO have built in bluetooth?! WOW man I am almost sold! (I need to look at more literature).

The other thing that I am looking at is screen size. 12" or 14/15" ? I am using a G3 iBook here at work which I can take home overnight if work needs to be done and I like the form factor of it. My non-paying-friends and relatives (i.e. not the ones making the purchase) throw in their 2 cents about 12" being too small. What do you guys think?

Gaming is also part of my thinking, given that I cannot play any games on my G3 since I am either not home (@ significant other's house) or the games that I have interest in require at least an 800Mhz processor (G3 at home = 350Mhz) - this isn't my main concern though. Now that I know that BT is on the powerbook I would be quite happy qith a 12" one :)

alllright, now, memory, whatever model I buy, I do not want to buy apple memory since it is usually more expensive than going out to buy some other reputable memory online. I have never owned a laptop. On a desktop I can open-em up, perform my surgery and get done in no time. In laptops how easy is it to perform such operations on my own?

last but not I can install all those OSes on a powerbook and VPC and mock my PC using friends hehehehe ;-)

** amendments **
I always try to buy a little higher up that my needs because I have noticed that I grow in my computing needs. When I got my first perfoma I bought a bottom feeder. Just a 2X CD-ROM and a floppy, 250MB HD, 68040 with no FPU. 2 years into using it it was already kinda getting outdated (gen 1 PPCs were out at the time I bought my performa). By the time 4 years had passed I had bought an external zip drive to try to have more space, I had programs that were slow, things I could not install due to space concern and so on :)

When I bought my G4 almost 5 years ago I bought a step up, granted I bought a CD-RW (which has SCSI probs that I need to fix) and added some memory, but other than that it still chugs along. I never thought I would be using DVDs as I do (man those have kicked in, cant even find VHS tapes any more, lol) - got quite a few USB peripherals, really taking advantage of the built in ethernet (which I did not have on my performa), it's been great :)

on the laptop I would like to get one with a superdrive to try my hand at some movie making ;-), admitedly though this is not my number one priority.
My old friend! long time no see! gotta chat sometime to catch up on things :)
Macworld was also on my mind that is why any purchase that I will make is probably going to be in the summer - I think that doing some research into things prior to buying is a good thing ;-) six months outta do the trick :)

My old mac G3 is probably going to become a fileserv for my laptop and my girlfriend's PC. a sun machine might be coming into the family in january (probably a webserv here at work that I will own.)
Definitely wait for MWSF, Steve tends to have rabbits in his hat .. :p
12" too small? I love my 12" ...
PowerBook. I've been struggling with the same dilemma, and I've settled on a 12" PowerBook. I was originally going to get the 15", but decided that the 12" satisfied every need I have and I wouldn't be working on it extensively enough (more than 3 or 4 hours a day) to have the size of the screen be much of an issue. The fact that it's roughly the same size as an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper sold me. I can get a 1 GHz G4 processor, ability to upgrade to 1.25 GB of RAM (with a 1 GB SO-DIMM module, kinda pricey, but still...) a fairly large hard drive AND a SuperDrive all in one package and it's small enough to tote around in the smallest of bags. With or without an educational discount, it's on par with a decently-configured 1.6 GHz G5 and still under $2000.

I'd be using this machine primarily at school, so that would entail working on elf-sized desks or in lecture halls with no table space as well as sitting out under a tree somewhere on campus computing away. The small form factor would be perfect for this. If I were purchasing the PowerBook as a sort-of temporary desktop replacement or would be using it mostly at home or work, I would get the 15" (or the 17" if I won the lottery) since it replicates a desktop quite well and has a big monitor to boot. Portability won me over, though.

I've heard some bad stories about the iBooks, and with a class-action lawsuit in the makings over the quality of the motherboard (, I'd rather get the PowerBook. I've heard nothing but good things about them.
Rember the 12" and 14" iBooks have the same resolution, 1024x768. It's just a matter of if you have a problem with the fonts being smaller, if you don't, it's the same screen realestate. And, when you're at home, just hook up a monitor/keyboard/mouse, then the screen size becomes a non-issue. Having the smaller one is much nicer for traveling too. Now, if you're comparing the 12" to the 15.4", you do get more real estate, and if you can afford it, I'd go that route, I really don't see much benefit to the 12" powerbook anymore save for the DVD-R drive.

RAM is an other thing, btoneill .. a 12" pb can hold still those 1,25 gb of RAM compared to 640 mb of (any) ibook. It may be useful later, when you'll want more speed etc.
A PowerBook will always trump an iBook except for cost. But don't let that be the only thing to sway you. I just got a G4 iBook, 1Ghz, 60gb hard drive and max ram, airport, bt, etc. It's a fine machine, even better than many G3 Towers at work (I'm n editor and designer). It runs smooth (I use Quark, PhotoShop and InDesign, among others. If my Graphite Clamshell 366 can run them fine, the 1 Ghz can. It's very fast (just got it so I'm running tests on it now, will post results in a week or so).
and I got a very good deal on it. About US$1,000 less than a comprable PB.
I was leaning towards the PB but the price was too good to pass up. This will be a fine machine until I get a G5 PowerBook down the line. :) Cheers
Why is is that the iBook can only handle 640mb RAM? I know it has the 128mb built - in, and takes up to the 512mb chip, but aren't there 1gb PC2100 now?

I am waiting for my 512 chip to arrive. I ordered it with my computer, but they sent me PC100. I had to return it to Apple.
Nate, if you can fit a 1 GB RAM stick into an iBook, then it'll go up to 1 1/8 GB of RAM. Otherwise, you're stuck at 640 (soldered 128 + additional 512) MB.

Admiral, the best thing for you to do is to drive to your nearest Apple retailer and try the Books out. The last time I went to CompUSA and browsed, they had all 3 AlBooks (plus a 15" TiBook) set up side-by-side. In that arena, the 12" didn't seem as small, nor the 17" as large, as people make them out to be. Maybe it was the widescreen aspect ratio, or maybe I was delusional at the time (not likely). But I would take the 17" any day, considering all you get with it.

One advantage that the iBooks have over the PB's is that the cases are made out of plastic instead of painted metal. Not only does this resist scratching better, but they are slightly more durable (like if you drop one). Just something to consider. I would definitely not recommend dropping any laptop, unless it runs Windows. :D ;)
Having a girlfriend that lives near a microcenter AND near an applestore gives me lots of opportunities to go in and gauk anytime that I feel like it lol. I have played with all 3 G4 iBooks and all 3 powerbook :p

I like the color of the G3 ibook but not the G4 ones. It's a bit too white. The TiBooks have a nice shell :) seems less resistant to dirt. I use a 12" iBook G3 (borrowed from work) for these next few days and I like the form factor. my boss has a 17" widescreen. I love it! somehow though I feel that it might be a pain to transport on a daily basis. My boss does it so I suppose it's doable ;)

How about upgrades?
How easy is it to add more memory?
Upgrades are a snap if you're talking about RAM for either machine. Open the cover or pop up the keyboard, remove the shield, pop in the RAM, close her up. Done.

The hard drives in the PowerBooks are easier to replace than the hard drives in the iBooks... I hear that replacing the hard drive in an iBook is a nightmare and I wouldn't attempt it unless I didn't mind screwing up my iBook.
very simple:

if you have enough money to ask, it means you have enough to afford the PB... so go for it !
My boss does it so I suppose it's doable

He does it to let you know he IS the boss :)