The movie quotes thread

I am quite sure it is american pie two, the scene where he then somehow ends up naked on the roof of his father with his hand glued to...well...himself, and is taken away by the police or something like that....I think he thought the glue was something different, Vaseline or something, I really can't remember...
Here is a quote from something I just saw today:

"...Careful, you're not screwing my head on straight!"

(Probably not a perfect quote, but close.)
Empire strikes back???

Chewbacca reassembling C3PO? I am not perfectly sure, long time since I saw it (if it would be available on a legal DVD, I would see much more often)
Either that or Episode II. I know that someone had an advance showing... He even posted the invite and ticket in another thread. I'm jealous, if you can't tell... ;)
Since I've answered two (or three, the jury's still out on Tom's quote) and posted none, here's one that should be easy:

I have found from experience that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious.
After new input, I change my answer. I still say it's C3PO, but it's a different Star Wars Episode...a newer one :D
Gawd, I totally missed that. Yeah, now it sounds familiar... huh.

I guess I totally forgot everything that happened in Episode 1: all I remember is Jar-Jar, this wierd glowing ball, and a pod race... I remember liking the movie somewhat, though...

I was so little when I saw all the Star Wars movies that I don't remember much of anything. Hey, that could be funny. Someone tell me everything wrong with my memory:

Star Wars: A New Hope: I remember the Death Star, a lot of white hallways (which never made any sense, since the guy is supposedly evil, right?) and the heavy breathing Darth Vader. That wierd furry dude, Chewbacca, too. I love the X-Wings.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: snow. lots of snow. These wierd AT-ATs and the little rebel snowspeeder things. And Yoda, too, right? For some reason, I really liked this movie, but I don't remember anything about it at all.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: A forest, with all these stupid furry things everywhere. I don't remember anything else. For some reason, I hated that movie.

So, um, I guess you couldn't exactly call me a Star Wars fanatic... I have no idea what 75% of the story is... there's Anakin, Luke, Leia, Yoda, C3PO, Chewbacca, Han, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Jar-Jar... any other characters I need to know? Those are all I remember....

Sorry for being so disrespectful of the SW franchise :)
I really do enjoy the SW series. I have a friend who has the SW Trivial Pursuit, and we're about tied on trivia knowledge. The rest of the people playing just roll their eyes and groan. "OMG, you knew that? You're such a geek!" :)

The strange bit is that I remember liking Episode I when I saw it in the theater. Quite a bit, actually. Then I watched it again on video (SW is the one series I can watch over and over and over -- I don't watch other movies more than once, generally). I hated it on video. The kid playing Anakin was awful. Jar Jar was worse than pointless. So I am convinced that there must have been a Jedi at the theater -- "You will like this movie." I will like this movie. "Anakin is doing a fine job as an actor..." Anakin is doing a fine job as an actor... et cetera et cetera... :D
I suppose I really just need to see all the movies again, in order-- maybe then I'll understand the series (I think I'm old enough to enjoy it now) :)
Oh, you mean that. OK. Then you might remember the quote

"Naked? What do you mean by my parts are showing?"