Gawd, I totally missed that. Yeah, now it sounds familiar... huh.
I guess I totally forgot everything that happened in Episode 1: all I remember is Jar-Jar, this wierd glowing ball, and a pod race... I remember liking the movie somewhat, though...
I was so little when I saw all the Star Wars movies that I don't remember much of anything. Hey, that could be funny. Someone tell me everything wrong with my memory:
Star Wars: A New Hope: I remember the Death Star, a lot of white hallways (which never made any sense, since the guy is supposedly evil, right?) and the heavy breathing Darth Vader. That wierd furry dude, Chewbacca, too. I love the X-Wings.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: snow. lots of snow. These wierd AT-ATs and the little rebel snowspeeder things. And Yoda, too, right? For some reason, I really liked this movie, but I don't remember anything about it at all.
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: A forest, with all these stupid furry things everywhere. I don't remember anything else. For some reason, I hated that movie.
So, um, I guess you couldn't exactly call me a Star Wars fanatic... I have no idea what 75% of the story is... there's Anakin, Luke, Leia, Yoda, C3PO, Chewbacca, Han, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Jar-Jar... any other characters I need to know? Those are all I remember....
Sorry for being so disrespectful of the SW franchise