The new iMac, HOLY COW

but whats so hard about unscrewing a few screws and stick a piece of ram in.
I've replaced a Hard-drive in a Powerbook G4, and it was surprisingly easy.
Search for "Stonehenge" within the above link if you don't know what I'm referring to!

"Nah, man. I think the reason the show went down badly was because we had a giant stone monolith out there that was in serious danger of being trampled on by a dwarf."

I love that movie. :-)
About the keyboard, I havn't seen a new Intel Mac's keyboard recently and have just been staring at my own PowerBook G4's keyboard, but the thing I notice about the new one more Apple symbol on the command key. WHATS UP WITH THAT??

Also, any idea when we can see this flashy new iPhone-like glass design on the MacBooks or MacBook Pros?

Cyprus Mac Man
Glass is heavy. I don't know about you, but I don't want to lug around a 13"/15"/17" piece of glass with me.

With the iPhone, I can understand -- it's small and compact, so the glass makes up a fraction of the weight. Sure, it's heavier than it could be had they used the original polycarbonate, but still small and light enough to be within acceptable limits.

I'd venture to bet that a 13" piece of glass weighs in the neighborhood of a pound. I don't want to add another pound to my portable just so my screen is made of glass.

I think plastic's fine and fits the usage and weight of the portables just fine.
"Nah, man. I think the reason the show went down badly was because we had a giant stone monolith out there that was in serious danger of being trampled on by a dwarf."

I love that movie. :-)
Hehehe :)

(I'm glad someone got the reference!)

I have to agree with ElDiabloConCaca, I think a laptop with a large amount of glass would become much more heavy and more bulky. Perhaps also potentially fragile if they made the glass thin to cut down on the weight and size (?).

Also, I'm glad the iMac is not using a touch screen. I think a touch screen is nice for a small item such as an iPhone or an iPod, but I wouldn't be keen on it for a laptop or desktop computer. The user would need to reach over a little bit and there would need to be more movement (eg. of the arm), compared to more subtle movements of the hand with a mouse. Admittedly, it might also just be a case of what I'm used to...
the imac now weighs about 10 more pounds than it did before. It used to weigh something like 17 pounds and now it weighs 25.
Wow, 8 lbs more. Probably that glass. Oh well, I don't plan on putting the 24" iMac in a backpack and carrying it around. ;)

Mine shipped, should be here Monday or Tuesday (more likely Tuesday).
Imagine your MacBook (Pro) falls for some reason and the screen is out of glass!

Even though a touch-screen version iMac would be great for some users, eg. in a restaurant. You could use the touch-screen for the POS software, then use mouse and keyboard for regular computer use, eg. when the restaurant closes or you need to make a new menu. etc.. instead of buying one of those IBM computers just for that POS software (which is expensive). It could also be used as terminals for places like IKEA, or (if you have loads of money) in your kitchen, for doing simple stuff like looking up recipes or browsing the web (you could have one keyboard attached).
Imagine your MacBook (Pro) falls for some reason and the screen is out of glass!
Well, imagine it had movable parts like a harddrive or tiny metal connectors that could get loose etc.! I agree, though, glass is not the material for notebooks. The iMac's screen is much glossier than the MacBook's glossy screen. That's okay, it's intended for inside-use. But if the screen's _too_ glossy, outside use becomes unbearable. The current MacBook's glossy screen is perfect for outside use, however.
The iMac's screen is much glossier than the MacBook's glossy screen. But if the screen's _too_ glossy, outside use becomes unbearable.

And since you normally wouldn't carry your iMac outside, thats ok.

Well, imagine it had movable parts like a harddrive or tiny metal connectors that could get loose etc.!

:) Theoretically EVERYTHING can break if you let it fall (except steel and that stuff): But just a comment to that: the HD is inside and fixed. It also has that new thing that puts it in a position so it won't break easily. The glass display doesn't have that, and if the laptop is opened, the glass is very vulnerable. So... whats more likely to break in the end-effect? ;)
Your heart when all your data's gone. ;) ... Seriously: Those things aren't made for falling. The last time I let a notebook fall, it was a PowerBook 520c. Go ahead and look when those were sold. ... I don't look. I'll just feel old.
It can be used in numerous applications that demand toughness and optical clarity. The material is also useful for viewports, protective covers, and front surface optics in hostile environments whose elements may include high temperature, high pressure and vacuum conditions.

We just need some Chuck Norris-quality 150,000 PSI chemically strengthened glass.

It can be done...
Great Looking Machines but in my short experiance My new IMAC 20 runs HOOOOOOOT! It AVERAGES btw 175 and 200F!!!

I sure hope it doesn't cause any issues.

FYI :)

William Hazen
The last time I let a laptop fall was my iBook, and that was last year. The frame popped partly out from the screen, but otherwise everything was fine.
have you had it up to 200 degrees, the hottest i've had my imac was like 185 degrees.

It gets to 200 degrees when I am rendering. I am in VFX and put it through it's paces. I think it's due to the new smaller form factor and the aluminum shell. It does not appear to mitigate heat as fast as my old IMAC which never got above 180 Degrees. Like I said I just hope it doesn't cause problems down the road. I love it so far.

William Hazen
So is there anything special about it? Because I somehow plan on getting by next week.

I've dropped so many laptops... I dropped my Powerbook 1400C, and I've even dropped my macbook, and nothing happened to either of then. Though there was on time someone stepped on my powercord and pulled the laptop off of my desk, and only the powerconnetor broke, which made me have to a new laptop anyways.