Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jun 15, 2004 #282 Isn't posable the shortcut for someone, that is able to make a pose for paintings or so?
diablojota Doctoral Student Jun 15, 2004 #286 Who's asking you the questions? Aren't they for all of us?
JetwingX iWork for Apple <3 Jun 15, 2004 #294 Isn't it free though? (And for the rest of you possible. English is so stupid ><)
TommyWillB Registered Jun 15, 2004 #297 Isn't that a question that would be better directed to the soon-to-be ' "free" ' people of Iraq?
JetwingX iWork for Apple <3 Jun 15, 2004 #298 do you really think the united states can let them be free?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jun 16, 2004 #300 I would love to know what would happen to Sadam once he is handed to Iraq?