a_iver Registered Jun 18, 2004 #326 How many coats were needed per each dog to accomplish a smooth glossy look.
TommyWillB Registered Jun 18, 2004 #328 Don't you know that the weather is exactly like you'd expect it to be this time of year?
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jun 19, 2004 #336 Isn't that supposed to be a question mark at the end of that sentence???
a_iver Registered Jun 19, 2004 #337 Why are you just noticing this now, I always end my sentences with a period. (Vote a_iver for President. I support pixel efficient punctuation.)
Why are you just noticing this now, I always end my sentences with a period. (Vote a_iver for President. I support pixel efficient punctuation.)
M markceltic Apple Addicted Jun 19, 2004 #338 Anyone else think a iver is anal retentive for his pixel efficent punctuation?