The wait is over! New AluBook 15''!

hahah lol.
sorry i dint take a close look at ur post :P

and ur right, i dont really care bout the 12 inch powerbook... i like my things BIG :)
I have changed my opinion..I'm going to buy the 15". If I take a 80Gb disk with the 12", an external screen, superdrive, ... and I see that the 15" will last longer, the 15" 1.25Ghz seems like a much better choice...why? I like my things to last long...

My English isn't so good, so I couldn't find another word for what I ment with "burn my eyes". In the field during observation at night, we use red lights. Blue is fine too, so the keyboard will be cool. White light narrows the pupils in your eye, so you are blinded and need agains ome time to adapt.

I can also take a 1GHz with backlit keyboard, but with all the other extra options I got the same price as the 1.25 GHz, which's got it already.

After all, the laptop doesn't need to be very mobile, it's just to take my computer with me becasue my parents are divorced.

But..can you buy a 1.25GHz without that Airport-card? I don't need it, but I pay for it...doesn't make sense.
No, 1.25GHz 15" comes only with Airport Extreme and backlit keyboard, you can't choose not to get those...
Well, the first time you'll be near a WiFi hotspot, you'll love your AirPort Extreme card, anyway... One shouldn't buy a Mac without an AirPort card any longer, I think.
I took the optional one (AE), is that then installed in a "proper way", or do they use the slot on the side for it?
Originally posted by UNIX X11
go shove it up your a... I mean congrats!

If you ever want someone to take it off your hands... just PM me...
No, I think I'll keep it thanks :)

In regard to the AP card, I was fortunate that I wanted the 1ghz so I could get it without the AP card included. My Dad got one by mistake when he ordered my sister's graduation iBook but he didn't know the iBook wasn't yet compatible. He ordered it plenty early so it would be there for her graduation so by the time he figured out it was the wrong one, it was too late to return.

Guess that's another reason for UNIX X11 to hate me... free Airport Extreme card for me!
I hate you for it as well. ;) :rolleyes:

Biter, did you mean "ruin your nightvision?" I'd think a bright laptop screen would do that easily, which is why the ambient light sensors dim it. :)
Originally posted by Biter of Apples

But..can you buy a 1.25GHz without that Airport-card? I don't need it, but I pay for it...doesn't make sense.

Yea, I believe you can take that off if you order directly through the Apple store online. If not, why don't you take it out yourself and sell it on eBay? As for me, I just ordered mine through macwarehouse (now CDW). It's the 1.25 Ghz 15". They had 20 in stock when I called last Wednesday. But when I placed the order Friday, they were gone. They say they're getting more in ETA this Friday.