This is a major problem!

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
I have read other reports of this program [LimeWire] causing very buggy behavior. it may not be guilty here but it is a good one to rule out next. I am not familiar with the program, but i would check and see if it has any prefs that allow it to do any searching or updating automatically.

jeff - that nav autoprotect would be a good culprit as well but it shouldn't be able to interfere from the trash. still a good ting to get rid of it. the NAV beta is also something we know the 2 of you share. autoprotect is one of those constant background apps and norton is known for shutting down your computer if it doesn't like something.

Yes, indeed, Norton Anti-Virus v. 8.0bx is confirmed to cause numerous problems (including blocking certain apps' abilities to write to their respective prefs file or libraries -- such as the famous iTunes Temp file redundancies case). To disable NAV for now make sure there are NO NAV files set to start up at Login (including SymSecondary Launch); also remove the Norton AutoProtect and MissingTask items folders from the Library/StartUpItems folders (as for how you also have such a file in your root trash is a mystery -- but if you ran the uninstall script it may have caused the problem). Try running the uninstall script again too for the heck of it just to be sure. Then erase all trash and restart (not just logout). See if this helps!
This might be the solution...

I've had this bug occur to me, and this is due to the use of gNAT/IPNetShareX. I've reinstalled Mac OS X 10.1.2 three times now, just to figure out why its doing it.

Apparantely there is a bug in the natd daemon under the later versions of OS X i.e. Mac OS X 10.1 and above, on OS X 10.0.4 this didn't happen but on OSX using this method of internet sharing, I can only dialup once and after which I had to reboot my powerbook to get on the internet once more. What I eventually did was use a PC to connect and act as the router, but even this resulted in the same thing "Internet Connection just looses itself and vanishes", even though other computers would still be online. What I found as work around in this situation was to open up System Preferences, select Network, select Active Network Ports, and rearranging the ports around, then pressing apply. This has the same effect as resetting the network translation table I think - if you open up, and make sure you have the log for networking selected you can see that its resetting certain functions - I don't really know what but it works for the time being.

If you are using gNAT/IPNS, you have to reset it after each time you get a new IP. They state this in the readme file under "Known Bugs".

Of course by just not using gNAT/IPNS you can free yourself of this bug until its fixed.
Greetings again to all those who are trying so hard to help us out.

I am using a 56K dialup modem, the default one that comes with my G4 733.

I also deleted the NAV 8 beta the day I installed it, as I wasn't happy with it using 92% of my CPU. I guess I'll have to try ripping that autoprotect folder out of the root trash in OS9, as I don't have, and have never had, the root account enabled, and terminal work is still pretty new to me.

I am using Limewire 18-c. I have been using this version for quite some time (as it is the one without spyware), since before this problem began "I think". I don't use it very often so I don't see how it can be causing this problem if it's not loaded or in use.

To the helpful fellow who suggested tweaking the active network ports, I have just tried this and will see what result, if any, this has. Many thanks for your input, it sounds like you're someone who is good to have helping us with this particular problem.

Originally posted by JeffCGD
Greetings again to all those who are trying so hard to help us out.


To the helpful fellow who suggested tweaking the active network ports, I have just tried this and will see what result, if any, this has. Many thanks for your input, it sounds like you're someone who is good to have helping us with this particular problem.


Are you using gNAT or IPNetShareX?
Do not re-arrange your active network ports if you're connected using your modem - you'll disconnect yourself as it resets. This works if you're on DHCP or Ethernet or Airport, it just gives the system a chance to find what services are available again should they have been lost somehow - in other words "it resets itself".
jeff - i was operating under assumption that you are running an ethernet connection from your system profile. and that you are either networked with at least one other machine or using some sort of dual connection. you do not show a modem connection that i can tell. i haven't used a modem connection since before i switched to osx, so i admit it might report differently.

before assuming that an app you don't run very often could not be the problem, try checking the prefs while it is running to be sure there are no automatic searching on monitoring activities it can do. some apps have parts , like norton has autoprotect, that once activated will continue to perform their function after the app is closed. these are rare, but do exist. as is your problem. i would open and check all my web based programs for this.

i am getting the feeling we are dealing with seperate problems here. so zippy, if you want more help please provide the requested info. and just to be on the safe side, look over jeff's attached info and see how much of it you have in common. we can't help you if you don't give us the info we are asking for. if james advice cures it then let all of us know. if they are related problems then your info could help solve Jeff's problem as weel. no one will get anywhere if you don't gather info and report. or tell us to go buzz of because somebody somewhere else is being more helpfull.
Thanks to Ed for your suggestions of checking out limewire.

I managed to track down the nortons file in the tras, and what a little bunch of leftovers I found (See screenshot: RootTrashContents.jpg). Looks like the Nortons version 8 uninstaller needed some work,as it left footprint.

I have taken some screen caps (posted in the next 2 replies - damn single attachment limit) of what my connection is doing during the botched connection (See OnlyCallsOut.jpg), and when it it functioning correctly (See CorrectConnection.jpg). Note that in the screwed up on there is no actual IP address shown for my ISP, as can be see in the correct connection under "IP Address" in the Dock monitor (an app called Cyber that is a GUI front end display for various system stuff), yet my machine is still trying to call out through a connection not established.

I'm not sure if this info is any help to you guys, but I thought it might help if you could see what I'm seeing first hand.

well get those nav files out of there first . if you are having troubles with them being locked or needing permissions try a program called batchmod at (do a search).

but one other question that neither of you have answered is "when is the last time you used an up to date 3rd party repair tool and did a disk defragmentation?"

i have seen fragmented disks and poorly repaired system discs cause less obvious problems. both are known to cause various types of recognition problems. I guess i should also ask if you have tried rebuilding the desktop and zapping the pram. it is probably a good idea to make sure the basics have been covered rather than assuming they have.
I erased those Norton files from the root trash in OS9. They are dead and gone now.

I use Norton Systemworks under OS9 to defrag and run disk maintenance on my machine about once every 1-2 weeks. The version (6.0.3) I use is safe to use on OSX according to the email response I got from Symantec's help desk.

I also use Drive 10 under OSX as my backup.

I also use the OSX port od NAV 7.0 under OSX as well.

I'm wondering whether this could be a problem with my ISP. Does OSX connect in any different way than OS9?

excellent Jeff!! it helps to know that you aren't asking for help that would be impossible to give but easy to solve if one would only invest in the neccesay tools. sorry i haven't been back sooner but i have been a little busy plus i keep looking at your info and trying to see something i'm missing. Calling your isp might help. but quite frankly i doubt it is at that end if os 9 works fine. unless you are using their software to connect in which case it is likely they might know something we don't.
I have to refresh my modem about once every 2-3 weeks for some reason and they disrupt service about that often as well. but this is hardly on the par with what you guys are experiencing.
it seems like the real problem is that you are unable to recognise the modem again if i am understanding it correctly. not just that it won't connect. does this sound right to you?
I assume you found nothing like i suggested in limewire. what about the webcam lurker? lurking just sounds like a suspicious behaviour!! i was also reading in another thread about some problems with ie causing conflicts with a program when a person has too many favorites. any chance you have a long favorite list? i hate to blame m$ for everything but i can't believe how often their stuff interferes with everybody elses. might be worth uninstalling (this is another one of the few programs you can't just drag and trash.)
sorry we're not getting anywhere faster. it might help if zippy would report back some info but he seems to have started something he doesn't want to finish. Gadget Lover and i may have been joking around at one point, but i assure you we are both serious about trying to help. and maybe if we can just dig up the right clue, a real terminal jockey will be able to put the final piece of the puzzle in place if needed.
Some people aren't at their computers 24/7, so I don't think it's fair to say "I don't want to finish what I started"...believe me I do! I'm out of town at the moment and won't be back to my computer for another day. At that point I can try some of your suggestions and see if they work. However most suggestions are for a modem, not my DCHP cable modem connection. Anyway....
I noticed this problem after updating to 10.1.2. I've updated both my home machine (G4 867) and my work machine (G4 733). Both experience the same problems listed below.

After the machine has been asleep for a while, it becomes impossible to connect to my ISP. It connects, then immediately disconnects, I get an error telling me to check my settings. I restart and all works fine. I've only noticed that this happens after the machine has been asleep for a while - 30 min or longer? Also, if I've been online for a long time - more than an hour or so - I do get disconnected without officially getting disconnected...I can click all I want, and nothing will download, and links won't work...again, a reboot and all is well.

None of this happened prior to the 10.1.2 update...

Also worth noting is that my sound goes out after the system has been asleep. I can hit the volume buttons on the keyboard, change the volume via the menu bar, or in the system prefs, I can mute, and un-mute to my hearts content, but there is no sound. Again, a reboot seems to fix this as well. This problem is also exhibited on both machines and wasn't present prior to the update.

Let's hope Apple is aware of these problems and gets 'em fixed quickly.
Greetings Ed.
I contacted Applecare support last night (they were very good). They have asked me to try connecting to another ISP (my works) to see if the same problem occurs. If it does, it's definately OSX. If it doesn't, then it's my ISP (New Zealand Telecom), which will result in an ear bashing for them free of charge curtosy of me :)

I'll report back with my findings.

Jeff - I can hear the practice bashing going on in your head all the way to the states. I hope it does turnout to be the isp but i'm not counting on it. glad apple support was so helpful. i will keep an eye out for your results.
Greeting compatriots.

On Applecare's suggestion (and with my bosses permission) I logged on with my work ISP (Clearnet in New Zealand, instead of my ISP: Telecom). Exact same problem. The ISP's have been vindicated.

I contacted my case worker at Apple who, after consultation with the all knowing, all seeing, all dancing (and apparently mute, 'cos s/he never talks to me directly) "Senior Technician", she suggested I try disabling my firewall.

You know, the one at the core of OSX? The heart of the Mac Unix internet security system? Our first line of defense against the heathen hordes?

Yes. That Firewall. The one that has never indicated any problems other than absolutely refusing to correctly let Quake3Arena server lists through (what IS with port 27950 and UDP?! - that's a rhetorical question, please don't get distracted sports fans).

So, anyway. I am currently connected with no firewall, open to any script kiddie with a twinge of boredom. I shall now disconnect and see if I am able to reconnect, but I'm not holding my breathe.
I'll try to update after the expected, required reboot :(

Finally! Some success! :D
And all it cost me was a weeks sporadic internet connectivity, about 2 hours on the phone to Applecare, and my dignity (that's my own fault, thanks to my last post - DOH!).

On Applecare's recommendation I disabled my OSX system firewall and I now seem to be able to connect MOST of the time. It still plays up occasionally, doing the same thing. However disconnecting, a log out and log in, or even disconnecting & waiting 5 minutes seems to kick it back into action. Note: This is SO FAR.

All I can assume is that I have somehow screwed up the settings in my firewall setup. I will try to set up a new set, and see if they still work.

Many thanks to all that have contributed to helping me track down the spanner in the works. Hopefully this IS the spanner, and the ONLY spanner at that!
Also, I hope my experience might help someone with a similiar problem sort it out.

JeffCGD :cool:
Greetings again all.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news.

Good news: The firewall issue has been resolved. Set up a clean set of firewall rules that are only enabled on my user account (admin has no firewall, but only connects to the net for software update manually).
I have my firewall up and the connection works again.

Bad news: I am having the spinning beach ball/ long temporary freeze when I reconnect to the net after sleep. It will connect most times, but it pauses the entire system, even iTunes which runs as root (WHY does it do that as default?). I have heard of many others with this issue. Did anyone resolve it successfully?

hey Jeff, glad to hear you got that resovled. my guess on the spinning beachball after sleep is that it is similar to the one i get sometimes during boot up. your system is attempting to find your peripherals with no success. for me it is my maxtor hd that i must unplug and then plug back in once booted. you might want to experiment with this. once i do this evertything is fine until the next time i boot in os 9 and then i have to do it again when going back to osx. lie i said, that is just a guess that yours is similar.:)