Thunderbolt Display Not waking up

Any other mac experts out there who can help with this issue? It's most frustrating.

Well I don't have Thunderbolt just a display port on my Mac Pro (in my sig) and found sometimes, after power outages, I have to unplug the Display cable going to display (either at the Pro or the display) to restart my Mac Pro. Seems to me that something is pushing the power requirements to the brink for this Display/Thunderbolt technology.
Delta Mac, I just got round to re installing Mountain Lion. No change to the not waking from sleep issue. Any other ideas or have we run out of options now ???

Yes - you didn't tell us what Apple support told you when you called AppleCare (?)
Please refer to my post #20 above.
I need to test the MBP with another TBD to see if it's
A) The display (if its the display then Apple will repair once Ive bought the extended applecare)
B) The cable ( I can get a new one)
C) if it works fine on another display then its probably a laptop issue and thats something I may have to live with.
I'll advise once Ive been able to do the test.
update. Tried connecting MBP with a friends TBD with the same result. So I deduce that it is an issue with the laptop, not the display. Anyone know of a "script" or automator activity that may reboot the thunderbolt port after waking from sleep ? Seems a bit convoluted but if this at all possible it may solve the problem.
For info I have replaced my optical bay with a SSD that is now the startup disc. Could it be that the system tries to look at the hard drive area first when it wakes up and not the SSD. Would swapping those drives around be a possible solution ? I don't want to swap them over unless it seems like a feasible answer as I'm not overly confident meddling inside the laptop.
Legend DeltaMac.

Was pulling my hair out and even booked the next appointment I could with a Apple Genius about 25miles away.

Tried the restore, and didn't even have to go through with the whole thing before the display came back to life. Hoping it stay that way.

Sincerest thanks.

Update from me here. Since updating to Mavericks, all is now rosy in the sleeping and waking garden, so it was obviously a software issue. Hope that helps anyone else with this issue.
Thanks to all for their inputs