Tiger release date?


Does anybody know if there's an official release date for Tiger? Does Apple usually include the new O/S with their computers (G5 PowerMac) right after the O/S is released or does it take a while?
nobody knows yet when tiger will be released, rumours say first half or first quarter of 2005.

as for if the include it right away, i would say yes, afterall it is released, so the natural thing would be to include it at once. no reason fro waiting. maybe some other have experience from the last releases of the cats..

According to Steve Jobs, who is in a position to know, Tiger will be released during the first half of 2005. Based on previous announcements of that type from Cupertino, I am looking forward to installing Tiger sometime after my birthday on June 11. The official release date announcement will come some three or four weeks prior to the actual date it will be available in stores.

Once again based on established Apple practices computers purchased after the announcement of the actual release date will be eligible to purchase an upgrade, not a full install CD for $29.95 shipping and handling. Those Macs that are still in stores after the official release date and have Panther installed will come with the Tiger upgrade CDs. Based on past experience I am not sure I wouldn't go ahead and lay out the extra money to get the full install version.
Usually, it takes a few weeks to a month for the computers on Apple's online store to come pre-installed with the new release of OS X after it's released, but you will undoubtedly get a free upgrade to Tiger.

This does not apply to any computers sold now on Apple's online store -- only to computers sold after the new release of OS X. And it's also not definite, but that's the way it's been in the past.
Ah, the price question. :) 129$ for the rest of us. No other exceptions. Moving the thread to the dedicated Tiger forum.
steinguitar said:
Will the 29.95 upgrade price be for all panther users or just those who purhcase a computer after X date?
Oh my you are a dreamer aren't you? Actually Apple has already announced the Tiger upgrade cost for all users - $129.95 for a single user and $199.95 for a five user "family" license.

The family license is limited to machines used under the same roof and specifically excludes businesses and dormitories.
v 1: expect, believe, or suppose;

n. (Reconnaissance): An inspection or exploration of an area, especially one made to gather military information.

-Brian the definition geek
perfessor101 said:
Oh my you are a dreamer aren't you? Actually Apple has already announced the Tiger upgrade cost for all users - $129.95 for a single user and $199.95 for a five user "family" license.

The family license is limited to machines used under the same roof and specifically excludes businesses and dormitories.

or $79 with the student discount. :)
I saw somewhere that they are for sure going to release 10.3.9. Thats going to be a better description of the release date I would think.
Nah. 10.3.9 has nothing to do with Tiger. They could (and should!) even fix Panther after Tiger's been released. Because basically, we've bought Panther licenses. And if there are bugs in that, they should still be fixed. And although 10.2.8 was the last Jaguar build, there still were (and are) security updates etc. coming out for it. 10.3.9 is really just a rumour so far. Nothing confirmed. But _if_ Tiger is coming in in June (like the WWDC agenda kinda suggests), I'd say there's more than enough room for another Panther update _before_ Tiger's release...