Tiger screens (Dashboard, more)

but why would you beta software on a server though... i would think it would be in use... as a server o0
True, but not all XServes are servers. I'm sure a few developers have an XServe for development purposes... (hehe... can you see me stretching trying to validate my comment?) :P
mi5moav said:
Didn't I see a pod4takeout in the preferences there. Yes, Apple has confirmed that they have created the first app for the ipod that allows individuals to take the best of information with them... driving directions, weather, movie times, and news feeds. In the next version they have mentioned the possibility of adding song lyrics.
lol! nice! :p
kendall said:
honestly though, if dashboard is legit, why does apple feel the need to totally rip off 3rd party developers? instead of ripping konfabulator off, why dont they just do the right thing and buy it?

i use konfabulator and really like it. im sure though if dashboard comes built in, id end up using it instead.

same with sherlock and watson. its really lame.

Yeah, they completely ripped off Watson, which was terrible to start with, but Sherlock is now a pretty horrible unmaintained holk of a broken product.

Watson isn't too far behind, it seems like Karelia's all but stopped development on the product (I've asked the guy three times to just add percentages of gain/loss in the stock plugin, how hard can it be? Just expand the info reported in the column and display a new variable there that's the change price divided by the current price.. His answer is always "good suggestion, will do it when I have time")
As nice as those graphics are in their own way, they are highly inconsistent with OS X. This is not to suggest that OS X cannot change, but I just don't see it changing in such a hodge podge way as shown in the sample.

Steve is a freak for consistency. The design in the sample is all over the place. As I said, it's kind of a nice design in its own way, but it won't be in Tiger.

I would bet my mortgage that no self respecting Apple designer would make an "X" that big in that semi-transparent window.

Put me down for mostly, possibly completely, fake. And you can believe that I'll be referring to this post next week for my "told you so" speech.
I have a funny feeling that Tiger will not support G3 machines. Perhaps I am wrong, but how much more can a G3 machine handle OSX? I helped a friend install 10.3 on his snow iBook 600 G3, and it took for ever, and runs sluggish. I believe they may have to support certain G3s at least on this version, after this I am afraid it is over. Any opinions?
As nice as those graphics are in their own way, they are highly inconsistent with OS X. This is not to suggest that OS X cannot change, but I just don't see it changing in such a hodge podge way as shown in the sample.

Steve is a freak for consistency. The design in the sample is all over the place. As I said, it's kind of a nice design in its own way, but it won't be in Tiger.

I would bet my mortgage that no self respecting Apple designer would make an "X" that big in that semi-transparent window.

Put me down for mostly, possibly completely, fake. And you can believe that I'll be referring to this post next week for my "told you so" speech.

Can I have your house if you are wrong?
no ppl didnt say the same bout brushed metal :)

and if u dont like it there are apps to remove it...

from my point of view i really like it and i see it bein used more in real world devices.. eg my new mobile phone, Sony Ericsson K700 :)its great... if u know 1 or 2 things bout design!
powermac said:
I have a funny feeling that Tiger will not support G3 machines. Perhaps I am wrong, but how much more can a G3 machine handle OSX? I helped a friend install 10.3 on his snow iBook 600 G3, and it took for ever, and runs sluggish. I believe they may have to support certain G3s at least on this version, after this I am afraid it is over. Any opinions?

I run Panther on an iBook G3 600 and it run perfect (ok, it was not my PowerBook G4, but was still fairly good). All you need is good memory resources; mine had 640 MB. Overmore, Panther seemed to run even better than Jaguar.
mine running Panther on iBook G3 366 with 320MB and it run smoothly, not as fast, but just nice.
soulseek said:
no ppl didnt say the same bout brushed metal :)

and if u dont like it there are apps to remove it...

from my point of view i really like it and i see it bein used more in real world devices.. eg my new mobile phone, Sony Ericsson K700 :)its great... if u know 1 or 2 things bout design!

people indeed did. do a search on this or any other mac forum to see all the whining about safari or the finder or ical being brushed metal and how they prefer aqua instead.


here, read this and knock yourself out.
many did complain bout brushed metal... but it was a fraction of the mac community :)

still brushed metal does look nicer on any iapp :) and certainly much better than the circus XP looks like.... still i do remember a few pics of longhorn with a grey metal interface... but im sure kendall u dont complain when it cums to windows... u like them just the way they are,, crappy that is :)
moav said:
Military Sources have confirmed that Apple has destroyed macrumors.com with with two G5 nuculear warheads. Witness over 200 miles away describe a huge explosion with a blinding flash of light occuring moments afterward. "Hot wind just blew by me as if a supersonic jet engine fired past my face." said Alejandra Smith. All we can do is pray that the small publishing firm had enough sense to jump under the big hammock next to the oak tree for protection. More news at 6.
Whois says they are at:
118 Selden Rd.
Newport News, VA 23606

So I guess I'm safely out of the 200 mile blast zone! (Although I'm not so sure about Washington DC)


Is this the next wave of the War on Terror? You know... the wave where they get the federal political terrorists?
mi5moav said:
I was reading the pdf read me from macosrumors, and something caught my eye. System requirements...dvd. Does this mean that tiger will be so huge it will be only available on a dvd disk??? So, apple is the first computer company to put its OS on dvd instead of cd???
Apple has been putting the OS on a single DVD for a while now. It is only the retail version that has been on 3-4 CD's.
soulseek said:
many did complain bout brushed metal... but it was a fraction of the mac community :)

still brushed metal does look nicer on any iapp :) and certainly much better than the circus XP looks like.... still i do remember a few pics of longhorn with a grey metal interface... but im sure kendall u dont complain when it cums to windows... u like them just the way they are,, crappy that is :)

excuse me my little troll friend but what on earth does windows have to do with anything? :)