...but your reasoning is that you should get a free/discounted upgrade to something that you've owned for almost 3 months already (by the time Tiger hits the shelves)... I could understand a month or so, but 3 months is a bit of a stretch.
Not to mention that Apple's full-price for their OSs beats most companies' upgrade price for their OSs.
Besides, you were happy with your mini running Panther, right? With the release of Tiger, is there some switch that flipped that made you unhappy with your mini running Panther, or are you just complaining because it's not the latest-and-greatest anymore? It's not like your mini has lost any functionality -- you can still run pretty much all the same software that Tiger can run, with the exceptions of the new OS features, which is understandable -- time doesn't stand still, and "new" purchases don't remain new for very long in this field. It's the same for cars, TVs, homes, and just about any other consumer product.