To Jaguar or not to Jaguar?

What do you think of Jaguar?

  • GREAT! I already ordered it and I can't wait 'till it's shipped!

  • Pretty good. Thinking about ordering soon.

  • OK. Not sure about the price...

  • NO WAY! That price is NOT worth the upgrade!

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I don't have OS X, because of several issues, but it's kinda expensive for a student like you or me (yeah, i'm 15 and unemployed :() to buy it. Although the educational price brings it down to 69$. I'd say Jaguar seems to be a very worthy upgrade however!
This is the most significant update the most significant OS ever. If you don't upgrade, you are stupid! Don't bitch that you're poor, you can spare a kidney ;)
Hopefully this upgrade will bring it up to par with Mac OS 9 speed and hopefully a lot faster with Quartz Extreme. I can't wait I might have to fly to Cupertino and steal one directly from Steve.
Hey guys, it's probably pricy but you pay for what you'll get. - You can't expect to buy a Mercedes for the price of a chevy.
Apple does good stuff and if I'd compare it to a car manufacture; Apple would somehow be a luxury car maker.

Good stuff and well done Apple, you're the man.:p

Still macless but only for yet another weekend. My Tibook is coming soon. - In the meantime, I'm trying to gather few scsi old devices to build a NextStep workstation :D - Yes I do have the copy for Intel based systems!
Haha, the local dealership is giving away (used) KIAs with new cars. Just thought I'd share.

Yeah this is going to be a pretty cool update. I'm going to buy it simply based on the rumors of the speed. The Gui sounds revamped too plus other things that tie it closer with the BSD core to make it faster. I can't wait.
Originally posted by MacLegacy
I don't have OS X, because of several issues, but it's kinda expensive for a student like you or me (yeah, i'm 15 and unemployed :() to buy it. Although the educational price brings it down to 69$. I'd say Jaguar seems to be a very worthy upgrade however!

Where did you find that price? My husband works at a University, so we get educational prices too. I just checked out Academic Superstore. They don't have Jaguar yet and 10.1.3 costs $119.
Yup! I'm fourteen and unemployed and well it makes me sad that its pricy... I do want it really badly!!! Like REALLLY badly! And, I appreciate everyone responding on the forum! Thanks! well... if you wanna steal one from steve... i live about 30 minutes away from cupertino... i can be your accomplice ;)

Much Love,

the Mac Geekette
Well, in reply to the question about where to get the edu price... just go to On the top toolbar, you'll find educational. then you click on that and specify your school. Simple! You get a page full of coolie discounts.


I really want to visit the Apple HQ cause im soooo close to it... i should do it soon... I wonder if they do a tour!??! Will report back!

Much Love,

The Mac Geekette
This one's a no-brainer. Jaguar makes OS X primetime (and not 10.1, as Steve would have had us believe). Sure, 10.1 is usable on my bondi iMac, but this baby's definitely getting an upgrade. :cool:
Originally posted by chiron777 [/i]

Where did you find that price? My husband works at a University, so we get educational prices too. I just checked out Academic Superstore. They don't have Jaguar yet and 10.1.3 costs $119.

Hmm, actually it's someone on this board, in another thread, who told it would cost 69$ for students but somebody I know told me the same.

Educational discounts are only available for teachers?
What about the students?

As far as I know, students get discounts too!
unless of course you TELL people that they will be impressed. then they'll EXPECT to be impressed and thus might NOT be impressed at all. so what i want to tell you, expect NOT to be impressed but do know THAT you'll be impressed, BUY the upgrade (129$, helps Apple) and then BE impressed. hmm... i need coffee, definitely.
I think I'll wait until the MacExpo in Paris in September...or maybe when the Apple Store is coming to Amsterdam!(YES!!). Now working with 10.1.5 and it's running smoothly....