a few points....
First, most of my friends(wintel users) don't even know that MacOSX 10.2 is comming out soon. nor do they care. most of my friends don't care what apple does. I am thinking that most PC users dont care all that much eather. I think Microsofts next big war is with opensource. If they want to survive they will have to find out someway to control it. Some people think that Microsoft might come out with a GUI to sit on top of Linux. But, thats off topic.
Microsoft created OS/2. So I don't think they copied it. Yes I know IBM was selling it, but Microsoft did create it. Don't beleave me? do some research. you might start with "Triumph of the Nerds" a show that aired on PBS.
plz stop the whining about the ppl who are winning about MacOSX 10.2. there should be an upgrade price. most of the new features I don't care about. some are nice. If I was giving full Rage Pro support(something that should have been there from day one) then I would not mind paying the full price. Besides what about all the new converts we are having who did not know to wait 'tell after MacWorld EXPO? We all got burned by making that mistake once why would you want new converts to get burned by it? that just seems evil to me... does anybody remember when apple tryed to put a 33.3 modem in the first iMac?? We fixed that.
Did you guys see the joy of tech cartoon about the price war we are having? funny shit.
I used MacOS 8.6 with no problems. when I got MacOSX last december is when I started to use MacOS9. and that was just for classic and the few times I booted up into MacOS9. You can even get a hack to run iTunes in MacOS8.6.... if I ever go to the old OS(god forbid) I would go back to MacOS8.6.. Just pointing out that just because of an OS release does not mean that you can no longer buy new softwere. The Mac community does not try to get you to upgrade as much as the Windows communtiy... People are still using old 68k macs and old powermacs as the main computers...
Oh, and about the backing(which I have every intention of doing but not always get around to it.) up before upgrading. What I do, is I wait for all you suckers to get the new upgrade and see if you come up with any problems before I install the upgrade. Again, does anybody remember the iTunes update that cleaned your pettions clear? I think I can wait a few weeks after the release. just to be on the safe side.
oh and caramelApple, just back up your home folder(and anybody else who has a home folder.) you may not even have to back up everything in your homefolder. you might be able to leave out say, the music folder(you did buy all your music right?
) But back up your Documents, Pics, Library(so that you can keep all of your settings) and anything else you might want.... Who knows, maybe a powersurge, or act of god(or something else) will destroy your HDD..
just some of my thoughts....