Toast Ti out - caution.....


I'd rather be fishin'
I have had the exact same experience as the majority of the reviewers on VersionTracker.....Crash on launch.

I would hold off on "updating" until something gets fixed.
The update is not listed on their site either. it was not scheduled to be relased for a few days.
was also listed on last night. in X it just quits...but in 9.2.2 it locks the whole system up....something not right here
No good here - G4/400 (AGP)

Thought it might be the "permissions" thing that Roxio is famous for - but I installed as root and still no go...
A good rule of thumb to abide by is to check the developer's site for a download link. Roxio's site still lists 5.1.4 as the latest updater, meaning that the 5.2 updater probably isn't ready to be released yet.

VersionTracker and MacUpdate scour FTP servers and the like for files that have been added or changed recently, and then they list them regardless as to whether they've been "officially" released or not by the developer. VersionTracker and MacUpdate are not... how shall I put this? They're not official software vendors... they don't have the knowledge or contacts or information or press releases to post a trustworthy download link all the time. Sure, 99% of the time the software they list is an official release, but they've done this with Toast updaters in the past -- it's not Roxio's fault... they didn't give you the link to download it, and it's not something that normal users would go in search of on an FTP site. It's VersionTracker's and MacUpdate's fault for listing the update prematurely.

Read and you'll see that Roxio has said that using the 5.2 updater at this point in time is... well, the opposite of smart. It's still pre-release software and hasn't been officially released yet, so it's a use-at-your-own-risk kinda thing, and I don't think anyone should expect anything more than what they've got -- whether it's a working copy of Toast 5.2 or a copy of Toast 5.2 that just won't work anymore. You got what you deserved! :D
well that's not so cool... yeah granted it does work for me, but that kind of annoys me that version tracker does that... i *thought* they could be trusted... poo
Yes - that does piss me off too - I already avoid VT as much as possible since they changed and you have to jump through hoops to get stuff. Now I just knocked them down one more notch!
'Just' delete all of Toast's prefs (two files) and Toast itself (the whole folder). Then reinstall Toast 5.0x (under 9) and immediately apply the 5.2 update (under X). Then start 5.2 and enter your serial number.

Everything works fine like that. I was one of the users with the crash-on-startup problem.

However, it seems that Roxio really didn't want you to have the updater just yet. So maybe we'll have to reinstall once the 'final' final version comes out?

We'll see...
Yeah, I liked VersionTracker when you could actually download stuff from the main page by clicking on the "size" aspect of the listing. Now, you've got to be redirected to another page and then wait for the download to start. Hell, sometimes I'd download four or five updates at once, which required four or five clicks from the main page to start ALL the downloads... now I've gotta visit that damn "Your download will start momentarily..." page four or five times, wait each time, return to the main page, then do it all over again! Frustrating!
The update worked fine for me
iMac 500mhz w/ a Sony Portable 8x drive.

finally I've had good luck with something :D

diablo: they want you to pay for their service that gets rid of that damn page :(
Ah, and move to VersionTracker Pro? I don't think their service is THAT useful -- sure, it's nice to be up-to-date and be able to view all available updates from one site, but I don't use enough of those obscure little programs to find VersionTracker Pro that useful. Hell, MacNN and Macintouch keep me well-enough informed about software updates and those are free!

I can understand how an "update-junkie" would find real-time updating useful, but for me, on a lowly 56k at the moment, I usually download all my major updates in the wee hours while I'm fast asleep.
For anyone who hates the new versiontracker with all the damn clicking you have to do... I gave MacUpdate a shot and I really like it. You can set certain apps or companies to be "watched" for updates, that way even if you miss them in the daily listings they still show up on your watched list.

Plus, I have found versiontracker to be less than helpful in their "reviews" as for the most part they are just a bunch of jack@sses who are complaining, or the competition bad-mouthing products.
I'm really not sure why so many people have problems with so many various software updates on OSX. The Roxio update went exactly as expected, as follows:

I logged into my machine under my admin account (which is also what I install ALL my software as - everyone IS doing that, RIGHT? - you KNOW that ADMIN is NOT for everyday use, right?), and ran the updater.

It asked me to identify the version of Toast I was updating (it even gave me the option to choose the copy I had duplicated to another partition as a backup, in case the naysayers where right), I selected the version in my Applications folder, it updated all the files, and placed a copy of the NEW app (Toast 5.2) in the same folder as the 5.1.4 version, which it left there. I removed the 5.1.4 app package (thought there was no apparent need to do so, other than for reducing redundant apps), and gave it a whirl.
I worked exactly as you would expect. I logged out, logged in as my user account, tested it, again... perfect. Now with the added features Roxio promised (ie: CD-TEXT et al).

No need to delete preference files, no removing previous versions. It just plain worked.

If you are going to bag a piece of software, make sure that it deserves it. And make sure that you, the user, aren't the cause of the problem.

So ask yourself: Are you STILL only running one account, ADMIN, on your OSX machine, and tinkering with it every other day?