updating .plist files


im trying to update the plist files on my girlfriend so she continues to operate correctly/functionally. any help?
Onyx might work for a short time, but Diamond is likely to be better.

We might be able to help you more if you told us whether Girlfriend
is software, hardware, or just a utility. Girlfriend can also give fatal errors if you are running Mistress or Wife at the same time.
Which reminds me of the worst and probably most sexist joke I've ever heard. Sometimes it _does_ make me laugh, though, mostly late at night, after a couple of drinks. So before reading the next paragraph, please prepare yourself accordingly, and don't let the bad joke reflect on me, a woman told it to me, btw.:

Why do women not only have to go through monthly pains and blood, not to speak of the pain and blood accompanying giving childbirth? - Because they've earned it.
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I forgot, too. But it sounds like a ZAZ movie. Or maybe just a line by Leslie Nielsen..?
Hm... what OS is your girlfriend running?

Check if there are any updates available for that model.

Run some maintenance (running is also great for maintenance, you could set a few hours of running in her cron to be done if not daily at least weekly).

When and how is she performing erratically?

You'll first to need to figure if it's software or hardware or OS... so if she's behaving erratically when she's wearing e.g. pink clothes or high heels, that would indicate that it's a software issue. Or if it's things generally not working after every 3-5 weeks, you may want to adjust the periodic scripts..

Filesystem check (fsck) is usually good too - in many GF problems after initial troubleshooting it's good to run occasionally, and with a fully patched and optimized GF you usually need to run it anyway - depending on the version of GF you may want to run it anywhere between several times a day to once every few months. Serious prolonged problems when trying to run fsck usually indicate that there will be serious problems ahead, so e.g. a few of my friends who noticed that problem with their GF (or wife) eventually resorted to 1) getting a secondary GF for the maintenance scripts, and/or 2) upgrading to a newer model.
Ah, That must be the problem, the OS. I told him not to download a pirated version of OS X. Running 10.0 might be the probem also