Hello all,
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I have only recently switched to a 15'' 2.53 GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro, after many years of living in the Windows world.
I am really excited with the switch, as the Mac is way ahead than my previous PCs in terms of stability, functionality, and performance... I now understand the meaning of "once Mac, never back"!
However, there is one thing that I was doing speedier in my Core 2 Quad PC, namely writing video DVDs. Of course the comparison is totally unfair for the Mac, as we are talking about two machines with different CPUs, and thus different processing power... And yet, the fact remains that it takes 2.5 hrs. to encode and burn a movie with Toast Titanium, while my PC accomplished the task in nearly a third of that time.
And so, the question is: What can I do to upgrade the video encoding speed of my Mac? More memory? A different graphics card? Or everything is pointless, and I should just wait for an i7 laptop by Apple to come out?
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I have only recently switched to a 15'' 2.53 GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro, after many years of living in the Windows world.
I am really excited with the switch, as the Mac is way ahead than my previous PCs in terms of stability, functionality, and performance... I now understand the meaning of "once Mac, never back"!

However, there is one thing that I was doing speedier in my Core 2 Quad PC, namely writing video DVDs. Of course the comparison is totally unfair for the Mac, as we are talking about two machines with different CPUs, and thus different processing power... And yet, the fact remains that it takes 2.5 hrs. to encode and burn a movie with Toast Titanium, while my PC accomplished the task in nearly a third of that time.
And so, the question is: What can I do to upgrade the video encoding speed of my Mac? More memory? A different graphics card? Or everything is pointless, and I should just wait for an i7 laptop by Apple to come out?