I have posted this question before, but thought I would see if any new success has developed.
I have a Garmin GPS Map60cs, and the Garmin software runs only on windows, so I have Virtual PC 7 installed on my 1.5 GHz PowerBook(Aluminum), but the Garmin isn't recognized, and hence won't work with the Mac / Vitual PC 7.
I know there was some success in the past with older Garmin units using a Serial to USB adapter, but there is no serial port on the newer Garmin GPS, only USB.
As always, thanks.
I have a Garmin GPS Map60cs, and the Garmin software runs only on windows, so I have Virtual PC 7 installed on my 1.5 GHz PowerBook(Aluminum), but the Garmin isn't recognized, and hence won't work with the Mac / Vitual PC 7.
I know there was some success in the past with older Garmin units using a Serial to USB adapter, but there is no serial port on the newer Garmin GPS, only USB.
As always, thanks.