Viruses On Os X

ElDiabloConCaca said:
Swapped images/icons are not indication of a virus, at least in this case. More likely a corrupt preference file or setting somewhere.
Most likely either the Launch Services database or possibly the Whatis database. Cocktail can rebuild both databases and I am sure there are other utilities as well as Unix commands that can do that as well.
I got my first Mac (an iMac) about four years ago. I knew there were no viruses for OS X at the time, but I thought it would only be a matter of time before they started to get developed and so I got myself a copy of Norton AntiVirus so that I was prepared. Within a month of installing it I had more than one kernel panic! :eek:

I then bought a Powerbook about three years ago and installed NAV on it. I haven't had any problems or conflicts with it.

I originally bought NAV because in reviews it appeared to be the most efficient at picking up viruses and trojans. I guess it's a balancing act though as quite a few people have had problems as a result of installing it.

Shanda said:
Ok, I know there are no known viruses but my iBook is exhibiting what I was alwats told were the classic symptoms of a virus attack. The icons on my desktop constantly rearrange themselves and in the last couple of days I've noticed that the icons on my files have been changing - so basic txt file now display a photo of my cousins birthday cake among others.
I get that! I'm currently running 10.3.8, and I've only had that problem since upgrading to 10.3.
I'm not gunna read through all these replies to see if this has been discussed or not, but wasn't "Opener" a virus for OS X?
vina_melody said:
Hi.. i've just now take a little bit concern about virusses that works in mac os x, well i haven't installed any of them. which one should i purchase? or better? :)


Both Opener and Cowhand are not viruses. They cannot attach themselves to files, they cannot spread, they have no *natural* means of propogating from one computer to another. The only way your computer can be *infected* with Opener or Cowhand is:
- Wannabe hacker downloads the tool.
- Wannabe tryhard hacker deliberately installs it onto your computer, which requires an administrator password.
- Wannabe hacker feels big because they can now access your computer through a "back door". And all they needed was a "front door" administrator password to do it. Whoop de doo.

Seriously, though, Opener and Cowhand are not viruses. They do not exploit any security vulnerability, but rely on someone with administrator access to deliberately install. They do not spread. They do not exploit weaknesses in Mac OS X.
Apparently, Tiger will alert you of changes in StartupItems, where Opener apparently attempts to copy itself. I installed Broadband Optimizer, a simple hack that installs itself in /System/Library/StartupItems/ and when I rebooted I got a message that permissions had changed on said directory (oops, bad Broadband Optimizer!) and then another alert asked me if I really trusted said newly installed utility. I clicked 'yes' and was on my way.

Anyone know if I'm right about that? Does 10.4 check StartupItems for potentially bad things?

Someone (PC journalist of some ? sort) described Opener as a defective worm--defective due to bugs in the script. I haven't seen the whole script and I'm not a programmer. So, again, can anyone verify that it really is a defective worm?

For people still wondering if Opener is considered a virus or a worm, it's important to note that if the program cannot infect your computer and reproduce itself, it's not a virus or worm. Opener can do neither.

As I understand it, a virus attaches itself to an existing program and, importantly, reproduces itself. A worm is a self contained program that can infect and reproduce.

Thank The Cheese said:
i found this the other day where a guy has attempted to once and for all prove that there is currently no virus for OS X by offering $500 to anyone who can give evidence of one in existance:

I read that, and its apparently been posted on different sites with headlines like "Man offers $500 for first Mac virus" like wtf.. he's not offering you $500 to make a virus, he's offering it to you if you can prove that there WAS one.. but people have, of course, taken it wrong and now there are idiots who think they can make one and get $500. I still think he'll keep his money though.
Apparently, Tiger will alert you of changes in StartupItems

Not sure if this is automatic in Tiger or not.

I've been using a Folder Action to alert me anytime anything is added to any Library folders, Startup Items folders, System, etc, at least since 10.3.
Yeah, folder actions are cool.

Check out PC Magazine's review of .Mac. In it they mention--with a hyperlink!--that there are a few Mac viruses. They are disappointed that Vireo is no longer included. The hyperlink points to, I think. It took me to a blank page (admission of guilt???).

Technically, I guess they would be correct. Office is susceptible to macro viruses. But does anyone know what exactly a malicious macro virus would be able to to in an OS X version of MS Office?

IMHO, virus checkers for OS X are as useful as that program that shows eyes following your mouse pointer.

I am really worried. Something really odd started to happen 2 hours ago. Everytime I try to open or, well anything with a rewrite with in it, I get redirected to !!! That sounds very much like the horrible mediaplex thing you get on the PCs.

I cannot access the google pop or smtp either. It's only focused on google for now but I am sure it's only a question of time before it spreads or something horrible happens.

I downloaded the Macsecure beta2 thing, but it's not working. I am told it has expired...

I cannot find any other spyware remover anywhere.

Can anyone help me ? I am freaking out.
