VMware Tools


Having successfully installed Ubuntu 8 on my Mac, I now wish to install VMware tools. The VMware Tools CD icon appears on my Ubuntu screen, but I have no idea how to load the tools. I have tried extracting them, but this keeps failing. Anyone have any ideas?
VMWare and Windows XP SP2 64 bit are driving me a bit crazy at the moment. I'm running a MBP (3.06 MHz, 500GB, 8GB RAM) 10.6.2 with the latest edition of VMWare Fusion 3.02. The more you give Windows, the more it wants. It now has 1GB of disk space, and the only apps on it are Office 2007, Acrobat 9, Kapersky antivirus, and Quicken Premiere (which is why I run it). Also have two other spyware titles. I swear, if I give Windows another 250MB, 500 MB, it will scream, "Hey! There's only a thin slice of free space on C drive!"

I did not expect Windows to commandeer my Mac HD.

The alternative is a larger HD for this MBP which would be slower than the 7200 RPM disk I ordered. I ordered this for speed so it would run VMWare and Windoze as quickly as possible. I need Quicken Premiere and not that shameful "Quicken for Mac Essentials". What a piece of trashware! Intuit must have run out of money after August 2008.

Has anyone seen this "enlarging demand" phenomena with VMWare or Windows?

Well, sure - as you add to a virtual machine, it needs more space. You have a complete operating system (yeah, that 's debatable with Windows, I suppose), and 2 or 3 major apps added. What were you expecting?
(yeah, that 's debatable with Windows, I suppose), and 2 or 3 major apps added. What were you expecting?

Anything having to do with Windows is debatable. That's why I posted. I'm a fifteen year Mac user who hasn't had time to learn UNIX and how to be nice to OS X. This is my third MBP. Every time I upgrade, the folks at the local Mac Temple (not an Apple Store) clone the HD to the new machine. This was the second cloning. In trying to fix the problems that go with cloning, I made things infinitely worse. (I like to tinker. I found you can't do this with OS X. You need to really be educated about the UNIX underwear of this machine to try to fix severe problems.) The genius at the store fixed it himself. Took 4 days. When I got it back, VMWare and Windows XP 64 bit only needed about 500 GB and ran just fine!

Then I ran a disk utility on it. (Blue Registry Cleaner). That's when Windows started griping about "1kb of space left" and so forth. I gave it another 50MB hunk of Mac HD. Still it said, "1% of C drive remaining!"

The Mac has done this to me before. I need "Where's My Disk Space?" or another title like that to find out what is causing the error. I don't have enough Mac HD to intall another virtual machine for Windows 7. I haven't used Quicken Premiere yet. No important data on Windows side of the Mac, yet.

I suppose I log on to the VMWare site and gripe about this.

I laugh when I think of my first Mac....8500/120 tower. Had a 2GB hard drive, and a whopping 48MB of RAM! I was able to do plenty with that! Now it seems that an HD 250x that capacity isn't enough and that I have to consider a larger drive.

In any case, I've been advised to use the 2GB block option for the next virtual machine.

Thanks for the quick reply.
