Originally posted by acidtuch10
Especially over such a controversial issue as religion and ethnicity
Yes, one of the two things that should never be discussed in public. The other is politics.

Guess we don't go by that rule here do we?

Honestly though, I usually don't try to get involved in this kind of thing. The problem is that some un-named parties seem to not be completely open to other people's views, and, as it seems to this person's method of thought, seem to try to downplay them.
I do, in-fact, agree with most of Scott's views, but I do not think that he should be 'imposing' them on other people of other religions who don't always agree with them.
NOW, I will post my stand on the subject.
First, a little background: I am a youth who is currently going through confirmation in a United Methodist church. I am having some issues with faith, but that is not something I wish to get into here. I shall write this as though I am a devout Christian.
My mother is/was a Quaker by upbringing, and as most of you probably know, Quakers are
completely anti-war. They are not even supposed/allowed to sign up in any of the armed forces. This gives me a strong anti-war foundation to build off of, and right now I am fairly strongly influenced by this.
My opinion is that you cannot use war to teach peace. If you want peace to must be prepared to cooperate with your enemy. Sure, you can go in and kill Saddam Hussein and tear down his government, but if you don't fix the underlying problem of anti-U.S. sentiment in most of the world (and particularly in the Mid-East) then the same thing is just going to happen all over again. I recently saw some figures to effect of only about 10% of the world's population, outside of the U.S. and Israel (which is, by the way, the only country in the world right now where the majority of the population supports the U.S. And this only because the U.S. has been perfectly
nasty to all of Israel's neighbors) support the U.S. and it's policies.
I do not go in for this 'preemptive action' thing from Mr. Bush, and I think that the arms inspections should have been allowed to continue. After all, Iraq had not, as of when the war started, attacked us, or anyone else. (And no, do not bring up the first Gulf War, etc.)
Now, if Iraq
had attacked us, then I think things would have been different.
Originally posted by ScottW
I would bet $$$ that 95% of those who show up at a anti-war debate, don't really know all the details... they are only followers, with nothing better to do.
I take offense to this. I am fairly certain that I know pretty much everything that is/has going/gone on in Iraq. Yet, I am still a confirmed anti-war protester.
I wear a button. It says 'War: not in my name' I have had many people come up to me and say 'Can I get one of those?' or 'I agree' or even just 'Thank you'. Things like that. I haven't had anyone come up and debate me or anything yet. (Maybe they just have the sense to keep quiet though

) Now, I trust most of these people, and I do not think that they do not know the details. If anything, I would say that they probably know more about this thing than most pro-war people do. Of course most of these people are part of either my Quaker Meeting, or my Methodist church. Which leads me to my next point: I think that those Christians who are pro-war are significantly outnumbered by their anti-war brethren. Scott, you can argue this until the end of time, but I doubt that there are many people in either of my churches who are pro-war. Now assuming that these churches are even
close to a representation of most parishes out there, I would say that you are probably in a severe minority. I think that every person must make a choice some time or other. Having said that, I don't think you will be damned until the end of time because you are pro-violence.
Bad things would probably have happened if Saddam had remained in power, but bad things will certainly (and are already) happen from this war. These things that will cause great damage that will not always be easy to repair. But I am sure that we, with whatever God we choose to worship (or not, as the case may be) will find a peaceful solution in the end!
Okay, I think I am finished now!