What Do You Think of the new iPods?

I haven't been able to find any info yet on the cost of the connection for IPod Touch. the IPhone was a reasonable $20/mo with the phone contract, any idea on this one? And will they be stupidly restrictive (AT&T) like they were with the Phone?
I haven't been able to find any info yet on the cost of the connection for IPod Touch. the IPhone was a reasonable $20/mo with the phone contract, any idea on this one? And will they be stupidly restrictive (AT&T) like they were with the Phone?

It's not a phone, so it won't have any phone features, so it won't require a sim-card, so it has nothing to do with Cingular, or Verizon or any other mobile phone-network provider, so it won't be restricted to anything.
I think the "chubby" moniker was often misunderstood. It merely described that in comparison to the _very_ longish 1G and 2G nanos, the new nano is short and wide, i.e. chubby. It never was about its thickness.
I never owned an iPod, but last saturday I bought the new iPod Nano!

It's beautiful and 8GB is more than enough for me.

The iPod touch is even more beautiful, but I don't really understand the market place for this iPod, for 100 euros more you will eventually have the iPhone, which is also an iPod...
I went into Centennial tonight and they told me they could unlock my iPhone and have me pay for a data plan. I was for it until they told me no visual voicemail and that packages started at an extra $25 for 20 megabytes of transfer. Shese.

The market for the iPod Touch is for people who can't afford the iPhone or don't want it as a phone. Also they don't want to be stuck paying $60.00 a month to use the iPhone. I have a cheap Virgin phone and only pay $100.00 a year and I don't even use it that much but it's the cheapest option they had.

I'm going to check out the Nano and Classic today and it will be my first time seeing both of them. The Touch isn't out yet here. Is your Nano working okay? I've heard about so many problems with the Nano and Classic on another forum that I'm afraid to buy either of them now.

... and countries where the iPhone simply _isn't_ available. It's not like we have a choice between the iPhone and the iPod touch here in Switzerland, currently. Neither do people in Canada, Australia, Japan, Italy and many, many more. It's not a 100$ difference for those countries. It's 100$ plus import costs plus using a hack that might or might not turn the iPhone into a 399$ brick.

Your right, I'm in Canada and the iPhone isn't here yet nor is the Touch. I keep hearing about unlocks for the iPhone but can't take the chance.

Switzerland is beautiful. I did a Contiki tour years ago with my sister and we were in Switzerland for less than 24 hours (as someone on our trip hadn't renewed her Visa and we all got held back so our Swiss trip was cut short). We were in Lauterbrunnen and the Muesli and Toblerone was unlike anything I've had.

;) ... Haven't personally eaten any müäsli or Toblerone in years, I guess. It's all peanutbutter&jam sandwiches for me nowadays. :p About the iPhone and iPod touch situation: I *HAVE* to hold back. No iPod touch for me. Gotta wait 'til I know which provider gets the iPhone.
Spiral Girl,

My iPod Nano is working fine, but, as mentioned in my post in the iPod section, the cover flow will not show all of my covers. I can see them in the main menu, when a slide show of all covers is given, but when I enter cover flow, most of them are gone.

I won't blame Apple for it, because they make beautiful products :)

If they don't solve it, I will just ignore the problem and act like it isn't there :D

Thanks. Just came back from a store here that sells iPods and guess what they have no demo models out which just isn't going to work for me. The Nano's though are way smaller than I imaged and the shuffle's are so tiny I couldn't believe it. There wasn't a Classic visible so don't know about that. They said they usually do and might later on so I'll have to wait. In my city there are no official Apple stores here just lots of local stores that sell Apple products. So I called around to like 4 other stores and no one has demo models out so will check with one last store that might tomorrow. Otherwise I'll wait until I can hold one in my hand or stop someone on the street that has one.


Poor you with no Muesli and Toblerone.

I too don't want to buy a Touch if there is any chance I may get the Phone down the road. Just curious if it will be $60.00 a month for whatever provider they go with here in Canada.
