What folders does Lion erase when upgrading


I'm on Snow Leopard and want upgrade to Lion, I wants to know exactly what folders does Lion erase when doing the upgrade.
Like will it delete all the items on my desktop and all the folders that I've created under my home folder ?

Please don't advise me Carbon cloner or Time machine backups, I'm aware of that, I just want to know that folders that get erased in the upgrade process.
None of your user files and folders will be deleted, which would include not touching items that you have on your desktop, or folders that you have added to your user folder.

The folder setup is approximately the same both before and after the upgrade. The contents of some folders would be completely replaced, but those are folders that have your OS X system files.

Please don't say that you don't want to backup your hard drive, or have a good current backup already. Having a good backup will make you a LOT less nervous about upgrading to Lion
Lion doesn't show the User's own Library folder. That is easily fixed using the the Lion Terminal command:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
Okay good, now I'd like to believe that my iTunes music and my iPhoto collection will also be safe along with the contents in Downloads folder.

I have manual backup of my stuff but not a bootable one!