What have you named your mac?

DanTekGeek said:
romulus and remus were the two brothers brought up by wolves. Rome is said to be built on their den. Romeulus. ;)

Romulus and Remus were twins that supposedly founded Rome. Remus was killed quite early on. But that's not primarily where I was thinking when I named them.

Komek and Motig, together with Romulus and Remus are both characters in the UT series :D. That's where I got them from. Just so happens that Romulus and Remus are real people as well.
My Dual 1.25Ghz G4 PowerMac is named Client3

My 1Ghz G4 PowerBook is named Client2

and my 700 Mhz G3 iBook with the dead HDD
is named *&$#@&*^%$$###!!!!!!
Hmm, my networked hardware is named a bit after function with a little degree of creativity:

Router (Guess what)
Fortress (The G5 and named so due to the tons of security software running on it)
MiniMe (The P3 running freeBSD)
Phone (The IP-Phone)
Printer (The HP Colorlaser)
Storage (Just a honeypot no real extra pc)
The rest is named simply after the persons using it

No special names for harddrives or non networked devices.
My PowerBook is all default.

My brother's Wallstreet PowerBook G3 I named Eskimo; the HDD was called the Esky, and the icon was replaced with an esky icon. The home folder was replaced with an igloo :).

I liked that naming strategy and wished I'd implemented it on my own computer instead of his :P.
My hard drive and machines are named the same.

My G4 is Dreamstatic.
My iBook is Shadowbox.

OS 9 drive is Dreamscape, and my iPod is NightFire.
I named all my peripherals and nodes after Homestar Runner comics:
Homestar Runner.local (iMac Snow), Homsar.local (beater iBook ;)), Trogdor.local (old Dell server that is liable to burst into flames at any minute), Coach Z (iPod that wears a bright green iSkin).
My current powerbook is AK Mobility.
My old G3 B&W was Admiralty
My old (RIP) Performa was Komputer

The primary hard drive is always named Radical Drive
The External firewire HD is called Sparky

I've got a few OSes running under VPC with various names, but who wants to know those :p
My VPC machine was named "Mato" which means worm. It was the worm that lived inside the apple, yeah it was cheesy.;)
I am a star wars fan so here are the names i have used:


My PowerBook is Mercury and the HD Quicksilver (yeah, I've got a whole thing going on here ... :) ;) :D )
I have to admit to having a goofy sense of humor -- when I bought my first Mac this past summer, I named it Chili (ie. chili mac). :P