Since I do not own a calendar I decided to finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion after various recommendations, details of which I will not upon you inflict other than the end credits . . . seemed . . . familiar . . . I have . . . heard this . . . before.
Last week, on ANOTHER FORUM [Boo. Hiss.--Ed.] people posted "Fish Heads" in honor of Bill "Pvt. 'Game Over! Game OVER!' Hicks" Paxton. I will not do that since it will cause heads to explode, but it was an infamous short along with song-that-will-drive-you-to-serial-killing-or-worse-country-western-music that played often on the MTV "the kids those days" watched. He did this with Billy "Danger Pedo Dr. Smith Will Robinson!" Mummy.
But then it would be "Fish Heads! Fish Heads! Rolly-Polly Fish Heads!" in my pants. . ..
So, instead, found two of my favorite comic songs: