H hawkjones Registered Oct 22, 2011 #1,341 I just listen one of mine fav song which i mostly listen on daily bases..i.e. When you kiss me.... ____________________________________________
I just listen one of mine fav song which i mostly listen on daily bases..i.e. When you kiss me.... ____________________________________________
pds Registered Nov 17, 2011 #1,344 Trans-Slambovian Bipolar Express http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCj1xatMBEM better quality in Slambovia proper
Trans-Slambovian Bipolar Express http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCj1xatMBEM better quality in Slambovia proper
Rhisiart Registered Jan 17, 2012 #1,348 Santana - Now That You Know (Soundtrack only on YouTube video but a terrific live song from Carlos and Co.) Where are you from? What are you looking for? Now that you know What are you waiting for?
Santana - Now That You Know (Soundtrack only on YouTube video but a terrific live song from Carlos and Co.) Where are you from? What are you looking for? Now that you know What are you waiting for?
Doctor X Registered Feb 11, 2012 #1,350 "The Raven"--Genesis--from "In the Cage Medley" of 1983 Philadelphia Spectrum. It is awesome. --J.D.
Satcomer In Geostationary Orbit Feb 14, 2012 #1,351 Time Tracks You Down - Swing Out Sister - From the album "Beautiful Mess"
reed Registered Apr 25, 2012 #1,355 Now be thankful, Fairprt Convention http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVTQ_VkGsjk
Mikuro Crotchety UI Nitpicker May 22, 2012 #1,358 Just some random Korean pop* song I have in my library: 사랑 둘이서.. by AB *To me, just about anything from the last 30 years falls under the very large umbrella of "pop". Some people take great offense to this. Maybe it's not 'pop'? I don't know, but I don't know what else to call it.
Just some random Korean pop* song I have in my library: 사랑 둘이서.. by AB *To me, just about anything from the last 30 years falls under the very large umbrella of "pop". Some people take great offense to this. Maybe it's not 'pop'? I don't know, but I don't know what else to call it.
Satcomer In Geostationary Orbit Jul 19, 2012 #1,359 Birthday - The Bird And The Bee - Album: Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future
reed Registered Nov 14, 2012 #1,360 tree song.... Bert Jansch http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&hl=en&v=W1dUxCHI0Ps&gl=US