What's left for WWDC?

Hmm, I like that one Mr K. The invitations have all promised demonstrations of new features for Mac OS X, and I'd imagine most of these will be centred on the Safari browser. I think we'll be seeing a few "Wow, how neat!" ideas.
Yes, a Safari update would be very, very, very nice to see. One that separates the tabs when you use the Exposé controls, and which allows you to manipulate the tabs themselves. One that has an updated WebKit so it actually displays things right and an option to change Safari so that it uses CSS buttons, not ALWAYS Aqua buttons :).

As for the jogwheel mouse, I can't really envision using my finger comfortably in that position. My THUMB, on the other hand, could use it very easily, if it was mounted almost vertically on the side of the mouse...
Tiger will dominate the conference of course and they will have plenty of recaps on itunes 90+ million downloads... Steve was really hoping for 100 but they didn't have enough ipods in europe yet. Of course one of the biggies will be the new redesigned ipods and then the day after HP will announce their new music player.

I'm pretty confident that Steve will bring the prices down to 249 for the 20gig 349 for the 40gig 449 for the 60gig and then either 229 or 199 for the minis. What this will do is shift demand for a while to the newly designed "big boy" ipods. Steve has mentioned numerous times that he wants to bring the prices down. This would be the best time since mini owners would be a bit upset if a new ipod is released, this way steve could say anyone that hasn't gotten a mini yet or has ordered but not received will get theirs for 229 or 199 probably 229.

So, what else... a little more info on airport express and about 10 other products that have been released for july shipping like the 2.5G5 macs and desktop2 and all the others... But yes there will be one more thing or maybe 2 more things (sorry not 3) and they will be big we'll one of them will be proportionally big anyhow.
This I have not heard anything about and maybe a few people could enlighten us.. Is apple coming out with a POS solution? This may already be in the business website or a bundle... But a few people have just mentioned to me a POS solution for Apple. Not sure if this will just be a bundle of an emac/imac with some third party POS software of if apple is starting to go into business software??? Hopefully, it won't be running on filemaker, then again maybe that's a good thing. But, as far as I know and I don't know much about what exactly is running at the Apple Stores to me it looked like java, but then again that was 4 months ago.
well... looks like Remote Desktop 2 - up from 1.2 - bows out early.

So... it now connects to VNC enabled Linux and Windows machines. Looks like 10.4 might be more enterprise targeted (at least Server) by connecting from Mac to PC/Linux using something other than Samba.

Might get interesting now.
apple better not disappoint us now. We have had all of these great releases over the past few weeks, and a huge event like WWDC quickly approaching.
metfoo said:
apple better not disappoint us now.

I mean no disrespect or offense when I say this, but it's that kind of attitude that usually leaves keynote viewers disappointed. How, exactly, would ANYthing at the WWDC be disappointing? We've already got new G5s, AirPort Express, a new Remote Desktop (which looks awesome), and the possibility of a new, color iPod at the keynote. What's the difference of them being released before the conference, or at the conference?

If that's all that Apple delivers, then how could that be disappointing? Expecting unrealistic things, like a surprise 3.0GHz G5 or G5 laptops, is just silly, and then being disappointed when they're not released even sillier.

Some keynotes have more bang, as with anything in the world. None have been disappointing to me, ever, although that's just me. Expect the absolute best all the time, and you'll be, without fail, disappointed. Hell, expect at all and you'll usually be disappointed. It's best just to wait and see what's in store, and be excited about the new stuff already released.
ok, so as much as I hate to aid in the off-topic ramblings, I just had a thought about the whole OSX-on-Athlon64 issue: The OS's name is MacOS X. They will never release that OS for anything other than Macs, and as far as using non-PPC processors in Macs, someone got it right earlier saying "what's the point?" However, the (personal desktop/laptop) computer industry is moving towards 64bit. So perhaps Apple could release (not as soon as WWDC, but maybe as 64bit procs are more widely used) a new OS that roughly parallels OSX, with certain key features staying Mac-only, that only is for 64bit PCs. In order for this to be successful, however, they need something like what Lindows was supposed to do, and some project(s) are trying to do, and that is getting open-source APIs that allow Windows apps to run in this new OS. That avoids an earlier mentioned issue of having 2 PC versions of software. Naturally, Cocoa apps would perform better, and I doubt that Carbon would be included. But by being distinguished as a different OS (and not just MacOS on different hardware) then the support issue becomes a little easier; allowing 3rd and hardware manufacturers handle drivers, while not having to answer the question "why does this work on Mac hardware and not PC, when it's the same OS?" maybe I'm just really tired, but this seems at the moment that it could be a future option that would have less of a negative impact on Mac sales.
All I can say is, they better have SMB networking fixed in Tiger. There was no excuse for 10.3.4 to remain as broken as it is, and with 10.4 they'll have had yet another year to get it right =)

It's just so broken... =)
be careful. being upset that 10.3.4 may pull out the flamers. they didn't like it when I was upset over how 10.3.4 broke my airport connectivity.

just a warning.