whats the deal with this? [G5 bashing from slashdot]

Originally posted by WinWord10

Now answer this... why would they deliberately turn hyperthreading OFF to give Intel a BETTER score? Makes no sense.

To keep the whiners from saying, "The test was fixed because Apple didn't turn off hyperthreading, which would have gave a better score"

They ran the test on the Dell in a way that would make it score as high as possible. You don't deliberatly cripple the machine because THAT would be falsifying the test.

Apple does it's best to make the Dell score as high as possible, and people still complain.:rolleyes:
hehe, Tell that to the 20+ year olds at work who come shouting at me when they muck there OSX installs up. Not only do they insist that they can do a better job than us because they have 'always used Macs', we even give them a very detailed instruction sheets to follow, and still they just go and do what they want...

At least it increases the backing for the push to get them onto PC's.

Your points are very moot, who would want to have transparent windows and a movie as their background? We, or a least I, was originally talking about Mac users response to any criticism, which you show quite well ;)

*edit - oops, someone posted between the relevant post to mine.
I don't see how you could "muck it up" installing. Boot from CD, select HD to install to, click install. Wait 20 mins and it's done. :rolleyes:

Windows on the other hand, you wait 40 mins at least to install it. Then after that, you better hope you have all your driver disks or you'll have to download them. No, the built in one doesn't work well with ATI cards. Just gives basic support for the card and nothing else.

Then, once you get Windows installed, go to windows update and download 20 to 40 security updates(just went through it with XP).

2 hours later you are done, while your Mac friend has been done for an hour and a half.
Originally posted by TEXAS
hehe, Tell that to the 20+ year olds at work who come shouting at me when they muck there OSX installs up. Not only do they insist that they can do a better job than us because they have 'always used Macs', we even give them a very detailed instruction sheets to follow, and still they just go and do what they want...

At least it increases the backing for the push to get them onto PC's.

Your points are very moot, who would want to have transparent windows and a movie as their background? We, or a least I, was originally talking about Mac users response to any criticism, which you show quite well ;)

*edit - oops, someone posted between the relevant post to mine.

TEXAS, as an IT guy... why do your users have access to system files that would allow them to "muck" things up?

Why arent you creating images and using NetBoot?

Why aren't you at the very least using images for quick rebuilds?

This all seems pretty straightforward.
why did microsoft post those useless videos of longhorns impressive graphic capabilities ?
why did apple include the cube effect on the user switching ?

in the end its all just to impress the crowd and show what each system can do with similar hardware.

the fact is that mac os x has had the dock magnification for years. it now has/will soon have a cube effect. it has/will soon have expose which is a very very useful feature. what do windows have ? they have jack shit :)

the transparent windows was just a point to show u the capabilities of such a slow and expensive g4 such as mine, in comparison to ur cheap but very fast pc.
but i guess u where too much of a chicken to try all this!!! or maybe is it that u have no transparency capabilities?
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
why did microsoft post those useless videos of longhorns impressive graphic capabilities ?
why did apple include the cube effect on the user switching ?

in the end its all just to impress the crowd and show what each system can do with similar hardware.

the fact is that mac os x has had the dock magnification for years. it now has/will soon have a cube effect. it has/will soon have expose which is a very very useful feature. what do windows have ? they have jack shit :)

the transparent windows was just a point to show u the capabilities of such a slow and expensive g4 such as mine, in comparison to ur cheap but very fast pc.
but i guess u where too much of a chicken to try all this!!! or maybe is it that u have no transparency capabilities?

And if M$ and Apple devoted that time spent on developing transparent windows, dock magnification, and rotating cubes on creating OS's and apps that were more stable, more secure, more useful, and with a _better_ (not prettier) UI, then we'd ALL be better off. Those effects while "neat" are either A) utterly useless (my opinion) B) useful only in the context of poor ui and/or C) not nearly worth the resources they require (either from the machine or the programmers required to achieve those effects). And for anyone who wishes to pipe in about OSX being secure/stable/useful, I don't see Apple stopping their ui tweaks, bug fixes, security patches, etc. So while it may be good, it's still far from perfect (and in my opinion, not near as great as some others think, but again, that's just my opinion).

As for all this PC vs Mac stuff. I work with both. I type this now on my Pismo. I've used Macs since the original Mac (and Lisa too if you want to count that). I've also used PC's since my original 4.77Mhz clone. My desktop machine is an Athlon 1.4Ghz running Win2k. Fact is they've both come a long way. Anyone who says that M$ doesn't innovate is full of it and doesn't have a clue. Do they copy too, damn right. Does Apple, sure nuff. Does Apple innovate more than M$, maybe. Who cares. Does my Pismo lock up, uh huh. Four times last week. Does my Win2k lock up, depends on what I'm doing to it, but sometimes it does. If I'm not mucking with either one, do they work dependably, yes they do. Any PC owner who suffers "bit rot" is doing something seriously weird or wrong or just has some crap app that their running causing their problems (anyone who's running NT4/Win2K anyway, can't speak for 95/98/ME which I won't touch, or XP, which I don't use very much and I hate the eye candy crap they've added). My Win2K Server desktop has been humming along happily for well over a year now. Back when it was an NT4 box, it ran for 4 years without a re-install. And I mess around A LOT with hardware in my PC boxes (one advantage that Wintel still has in spades over the Mac). One issue that I've never had to deal with though is viri. I know that a lot of other Wintel owners that have had issues either have them because of 16bit Windows (9x/ME) and/or viri.

Anyway, it's late and I'm starting to drift. Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that Mac folk bite back hard when they get the same old lame stereotypes thrown at them. Well, for those of us who are Mac users, but not Mac Zombies, we feel the same way when PC's are stereotyped, as they often are on this board. Some say "leave, this is a Mac board", I say that's a lame excuse. The Mac community wants to _grow_ right? M$/PC folk are often accused of using FUD to keep the Mac down, but yet similar tactics are used right here.

Anyway, I'm really way off now. But to summerize, Apple rocks. Wintel isn't nearly as bad as many Apple folk wish it were. Both have strengths and weaknesses. If you love your Mac, more power to you. If you love your PC, more power to you too. If you love both (and in my case many more, I'm a computer polygamist), then more power to you. You don't like people bashing your platform, well, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
As a quick reply to Anim8r, we do all the above but senior people in the Mac users dept can still insist on their own way of doing things, some are above me in the pecking order and historically they have always done their own thing.
This is changing, and with every muck up they create, my case gets stronger to be able to draw them back under our full control.
TEXAS you should change your signature into something like this:
Work as an IT like I don't need the money, Love Wintels like I've never been hurt and Damage Macs like nobody is watching... :p

Or then again you should fulfill the path that UOBA laid before you here http://www.macosx.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=229111

Keep up the great work you are doing as a Sith Lord... :D Or should I say as a Cave Troll? :rolleyes:
the fact is that G5 is faster than the Pentiums :)

the losers can debate that (even the real world tests) are false in their own forums.

its obvious that ppl like TEXAS come here because the NEWS &RUMORS forum is popular and they wont be ignored :)

the fact is that he has yet to post me of any XP or Longhorn capabilities that i requested (transparancies etc...)
my dear TEXAs , u have been weighed, u have been measured, and u have been found wanted.. :p

i suggest u quit ur job and join the dark side completely. im sure i can find u a job here in greece where ull be surrounded by wonderful pcs... u will have ur own little paradise.
im sure that in a few weeks u will get up and leave on ur own after so much QUALITY time with those wonderful cheap PC systems.
anyways. im sorry if i have been hostile towards u TEXAS or any other PC user.

i admit i did get out of order,
its just that ive had many bad pc experiences. anyways those days are gone. im a mac user now. theres no harm in u supportin ur own ideas.
we all have freedom of speech

id like u too accept my apology
and my humble gift (that i have attached in the photo) !!! id be glad to give it to u personally one day if u come to Greece on vacation. we have many beautiful islands :)


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You would give me a G5? Woohoo!

And the internet is a strange place to discuss issues, bbs boards are probably the worst place to try to get across messages because the inflection on certain parts of posts that you would hear in a face to face discussion is missing, so the whole post can sound different to every individual. I understand my posts have been considered controversial, it is a Mac board after all :)

I have been to Greece on occasion and find it a wonderful place with a nice population, I would love to go there again.
i know of great places to show u
full of green trees. and clean air

i especially liked on tree on my way to northern greece one beautiful morning!

i took a picture of it.

i dedicate it to. and all THE PC USERS :)

with all my love :)


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... that G5 logo tsizKEIK posted ... Is it just me or does it look remarkably like the T3 logo ... :confused:

Regarding performance, the sky is the limit obviously. So on the high end, the competition is neck to neck. But what about the low end? Is a $ 700 Dell as capable as a $ 2800 Mac?
We have checked this in various other threads and looked up the configs on the AppleStore and Dell website. The answer is NI! ... Nuuu ... no, NI!

Similar computers are priced similarly, the low end Dell compares perfectly with the low end eMac. One market Apple has always kept out of is the ultra low segment. Yet you can go very very low in price with students grants, special offers, refurbished systems and various offers from resellers. Moreover there is a good second hand market where you can find well preserved Macs. Macintoshes tend to conserve their value longer and also to last longer than similar PC offerings. However it is true that for the same amount of money you can cycle trhough various PCS or one Mac. On average, they compare very well.
the cheaper a product is, the lower its quality.
lower quality implyin more problems and maybe incompatibilities of the system as a whole .
this does not represnt apple, which is why they havent entered the ultra low segment :)
Originally posted by TEXAS
It looks more to me like you lot are afraid of something. Whats with the knee jerk reactions to a bit of criticism?

It's not about the criticism, it's about where it is coming from. You as a support person should know what it is like to have some dumb, retarded, can't find the "any key" jack ass criticize your work and what you do. It is the same kind of thing here.

We as Mac Users are use to criticism especially from ignorant Borg like drones that Bill Gates has created. Not all PC users are like this but most are, and it is because of this we are a tad bit defensive. This thread is one good example of defensiveness but for the most part what i have read on this thread is that most of us are waiting for the real world test.

Me personally i think the G5 looks ugly as sin but if it's performance is even close to what we have been told then i will be one Happy MacAddict.
I'm off now back into the ether, but thanks for replying to my questions.

I hope you all get what you want out of your computers.
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
the cheaper a product is, the lower its quality.
lower quality implyin more problems and maybe incompatibilities of the system as a whole .
this does not represnt apple, which is why they havent entered the ultra low segment :)

Hmm, marketeers must absolutely love you since this is exactly what they want you to think. By that logic I guess Linux is a piece of crap compared to WinME and the FreeBSD derived portions of OSX must suck big time, and Apache is junk compared to IIS. Oh and iMacs are lower quality than 3.2Ghz Dells.
i was refering to HARDWARE.

less money = lower quality of materials

cheaper food = crappier tomatoes in the food

ouga ouga. flinstone :)


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Originally posted by binaryDigit
Hmm, marketeers must absolutely love you since this is exactly what they want you to think. By that logic I guess Linux is a piece of crap compared to WinME and the FreeBSD derived portions of OSX must suck big time, and Apache is junk compared to IIS. Oh and iMacs are lower quality than 3.2Ghz Dells.

You seem to confuse cheap with free :p

As for the iMac VS Dull... Stop it! I'm still laughing about that! :D

Are you trying to become more and more like Steve Jobs? What's next? You are going to compare a Dual G5/2GHz with a Dual Xeon/3GHz? :rolleyes:

Thank you for making my night and hopefully next day too! ;)
All I want is for a faster Mac running on OS X. Too tiring to argue with everyone about "which is faster". Just make my PS run faster on the newer machines, and I will be a happy puppy.