What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

I hadn't the time to read all the points, but I think the student-software should and could be a lot cheaper.

Here in Europe, Microsoft has increased the software-prices for Universities with 30%!!!!!! :mad:
It's rediculous! :mad:

I'm glad there's Apple... ;)

One day you will have to face up to the fact that there are absolutes.

or maybe one day you will have to face the fact that there aren't absolutes.

don't get me wrong testuser. i am pretty much on the same side of you in this one, but this is another case of right idea, wrong argument. the idea that the world can be viewed in terms of absolutes is at best a mathmatical one. at worst it is a psychopathology known as borderline personality disorder. In terms of moral reasoning, the idea is considered to be near the very beginning of moral development.

it is generally excepted that there are no moral absolutes.
1st, for legal reasons i need to clarify that i am not a psychologist (yet) and do not represent myself to be one. i am a grad student in psychology or a 'psychologist-in-training';)

he he - i'm not labeling you anything (yet:p ). i think you did a pretty good job of presenting what would have been my next set of points. And that would be the idea that absolutes as we know them are somewhat arbitrary - they exist thru agreement. They are prone to change. Even in the scientific world, things occur from time to time that defy the 'laws'. yes we must set parameters for our understanding, but we must also be ready to expand those parameters rather than being confined between any two existing points of reference.

your points about the development of reasoning are entirely correct. i especially agree with the point that moral reasoning develops outside of religious enforcement. For an interesting read sometime, try "Beyond Morality" by Richard Garner. He is an extreme athiest and looks at this issue in detail.

i also agree with your conclusion about the typical warez rationalizations as well. but given your examples, would an exception be for someone who needs to complete some project with a particular app to keep himself and his family from starving? and if so, at what point is he expected to stop living project to project? is it when he uses some of the money for rent or for clothes? or for that porsche?

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i also agree with your conclusion about the typical warez rationalizations as well. but given your examples, would an exception be for someone who needs to complete some project with a particular app to keep himself and his family from starving? and if so, at what point is he expected to stop living project to project? is it when he uses some of the money for rent or for clothes? or for that porsche?


Yeah, i know a lot of graphic designers that are going to die if they don't get their next project done. :p Remember, there's always a job waiting for you at McDonalds. :D
applewatcher - you're confusing me again. the question sounds serious and the smilies say you are bored and think this has reached absurdity.

which is it?:confused:
Originally posted by AppleWatcher
But... what about betasoftware really...
If you get some, then you are a tester, aren't you? :rolleyes:


What makes you think that?

If you get beta software as , for example, an Apple seeding member, then you are a tester. If you are not such a person, and it is not a public beta, you're a regular thief.
I see.
You are a tester of course when you use betasoftware, but not official :rolleyes:

So betasoftware is legal when you are a official tester?

I think your 1st question has been already answered throughout this thread AppleWatcher. so now it just sounds more like the police gathering evidence.

and i still say m$ software isn't worth stealing. those who do so are only helping to perpetuate the myth that you MUST have their stuff in order to survive in the real world. they certainly don't need anyone to learn and spread the word about their products. so for those of you using that rationalization, at least steal from the little guys and tell everybody how great they are.;)
and i still say m$ software isn't worth stealing. those who do so are only helping to perpetuate the myth that you MUST have their stuff in order to survive in the real world. they certainly don't need anyone to learn and spread the word about their products. so for those of you using that rationalization, at least steal from the little guys and tell everybody how great they are.

Hey Ed, I don't fully agree with you...
I don't know if you use Microsoft Office v. X, but it eh... kinda rocks!

It's really nice, AppleWorks really isn't that much! What would you use (or what are you using) instead of Microsoft products?

AppleWatcher :D
Appleworks does everything i could ever imagine needing out of a word processor. i can remember paying for the original version of Quark which didn't do as much as AW does now. I also use it for graphics (as well as several other programs). and i will probably be using it for spreadsheets if I ever need them in the future. I use mail.app for my mail. I browse with icab and lately am giving opera a second look with their new release. (would really just like to see OmniWeb get their shit together but it ain't happening). I keep ie and netrape just for those few absurd sites that i need them for - like itools (this one really irritates me). and of course i have media player because there is no substitute - m$ dictates and the sheep follow.

i don't follow m$ software particularly, is there something else i am missing?

AW was really cheap - free on my imac!!

confession - i do own and use a copy of excell that i bought back in the early 90's at educational price. In fact i did all my statistics for my undergrad honors thesis on it. My prof was amazed. He even doublechecked the results against SPSS and they were perfect.
(ok, that is the nicest thing i am ever going to say about m$ without a gun being held to my head;) ) However i plan to buy SPSS before long to do my dissertation with.
(ignoring hervé's hilarious post almost completely.)

Ed, right. AppleWorks rocks. The problem starts if you have to work with people on files and if they're using Office. Office v. X does a fine job if that's what you have to do, and there's no real replacement. I personally only have to open Word docs for inserting text into InDesign or webpages, so I wouldn't really need Word, but I do need Excel (or a perfect clone which is not there yet), so I have Office. I don't need the whole package, but the price isn't an issue here as 'the company bought it'.

But I perfectly agree. If you *can* use AppleWorks, don't pirate MS Office. If you *can* use the GIMP and Graphics Converter or Photoshop Elements, don't pirate Photoshop. IE and WMP are no problem warez-wise, because they're free anyway. They're only an artificial problem, because people do hate Microsoft. OmniWeb will come and lead. We have to believe in them, they're great. Well, I do. (You don't HAVE to, but I beg you to.)


Now on a even happier note, I also believe that Mac OS 10.2 will rock us in July, as well as the 1.5 GHz G4 (PPC 7470) and the new TiBooks.

Is there any way to force Apple to not improve the Dock (it's a Frankenstein already and will be even more so when they 'improve' it) but to start from scratch about 'starting, switching, showing, hiding apps'?
confession - i do own and use a copy of excell

Hey Ed: 'Excell' is written with one 'l'... So Microsoft Excel.
But I think, if you use Mac OS X, Microsoft v. X is very, very nice to have, 'cause it simply rocks. It fits in the Aqua-environment.

Don't forget Microsoft Office v. X is made by Macfreaks as much as we are :D:p

Is there any way to force Apple to not improve the Dock (it's a Frankenstein already and will be even more so when they 'improve' it) but to start from scratch about 'starting, switching, showing, hiding apps'?

I don't think so. They probably have done very much work to make the Dock and the make it 'licky'...
And if they remove the Dock from 10.2 I think they should have a (better) replacement.

So maybe, in Mac OS X 10.2, we have an alternative for the Dock... :rolleyes:
