(ignoring hervé's hilarious post almost completely.)
Ed, right. AppleWorks rocks. The problem starts if you have to work with people on files and if they're using Office. Office v. X does a fine job if that's what you have to do, and there's no real replacement. I personally only have to open Word docs for inserting text into InDesign or webpages, so I wouldn't really need Word, but I do need Excel (or a perfect clone which is not there yet), so I have Office. I don't need the whole package, but the price isn't an issue here as 'the company bought it'.
But I perfectly agree. If you *can* use AppleWorks, don't pirate MS Office. If you *can* use the GIMP and Graphics Converter or Photoshop Elements, don't pirate Photoshop. IE and WMP are no problem warez-wise, because they're free anyway. They're only an artificial problem, because people do hate Microsoft. OmniWeb will come and lead. We have to believe in them, they're great. Well, I do. (You don't HAVE to, but I beg you to.)
Now on a even happier note, I also believe that Mac OS 10.2 will rock us in July, as well as the 1.5 GHz G4 (PPC 7470) and the new TiBooks.
Is there any way to force Apple to not improve the Dock (it's a Frankenstein already and will be even more so when they 'improve' it) but to start from scratch about 'starting, switching, showing, hiding apps'?