Whoa....that was weird


We were just switching the circuit breakers in our house to turn off a certain one, and i forgot and left my mac on. Came back and it had been shut off. So i started it back up and, what the crap, everything was gone. I was able to log in just fine my pic stayed and everything , but once I got in everything looked as if i had just don a clean insall. All my documents were gone, prefs etc. All other 4 users werent affected. I assume it had something to do with me being the only one logged in. Thought that was odd. So i just restarted and crossed my fingers. Lucily everything came back as usual. Anyone had this happen before? Should I still be worried? Thanks
The mysteries of electricity. The power spike of the circuit breakers could have been enough for running applications to act screwy. That includes the application Finder. Sorry to hear you lost stuff. I guess this teaches the eternal lesson of computing, backup, backup, backup! Firewire external drives are cheap these days.
Boot from the OS X install CD and run a disk repair with Disk Utility, located in the top menubar when you're asked to select an install language.
Sorry, I guess I didnt explain myself very well. It just dissappeared the first time. Then i just restarted and everything was back to normal. Thanks for the backup advice. I do a backup to a CD every month of my stuff. I was wondering what better ways there are to do a backup and how to go about it though. How does everyone do it?
I backup daily, automatically, to a second and third hard drive, and weekly to a multisession CD.
How do you go about doing it? What programs do you use etc.. Im just trying to figure out how i want to backup.
I use Backup. It's for far more things than just saving to .Mac. I use it to copy stuff to my external hard drive. I keep a good number of files and photos duplicated on my iPod as well (have a 40).