Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
78 33 33 33
INTP type description by D.Keirsey
INTP type description by J. Butt
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
* very expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality
Thats what the test says, does that make me a freak
Anyway, the reason i got into macs was that i was loaned one as a home computer (a Q700) which was older and slower than half of the school computers (they still had a 386). I just loved the OS, it was simple to use and intuitive, and the software was QuarkXpress 3.3 and photosop 3 which was a little better than paint and ami pro.
the two reasons i get from PC users (consumers anyway) are
* price, an iMac is 2 times the price of a PC that'll surf the net and do homework, they dont normally realise the long term value, or where to get macs (over here anyway).
*people who use windows think that the mac OS would be hard to use/learn after windows. i started on 3.1.1 (occasionally 95) and found the mac easy to use.
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
78 33 33 33
INTP type description by D.Keirsey
INTP type description by J. Butt
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
* very expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality
Thats what the test says, does that make me a freak

Anyway, the reason i got into macs was that i was loaned one as a home computer (a Q700) which was older and slower than half of the school computers (they still had a 386). I just loved the OS, it was simple to use and intuitive, and the software was QuarkXpress 3.3 and photosop 3 which was a little better than paint and ami pro.
the two reasons i get from PC users (consumers anyway) are
* price, an iMac is 2 times the price of a PC that'll surf the net and do homework, they dont normally realise the long term value, or where to get macs (over here anyway).
*people who use windows think that the mac OS would be hard to use/learn after windows. i started on 3.1.1 (occasionally 95) and found the mac easy to use.