Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
78 33 33 33
INTP type description by D.Keirsey
INTP type description by J. Butt
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
 You are:

* very expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality

Thats what the test says, does that make me a freak:confused:

Anyway, the reason i got into macs was that i was loaned one as a home computer (a Q700) which was older and slower than half of the school computers (they still had a 386). I just loved the OS, it was simple to use and intuitive, and the software was QuarkXpress 3.3 and photosop 3 which was a little better than paint and ami pro.

the two reasons i get from PC users (consumers anyway) are

* price, an iMac is 2 times the price of a PC that'll surf the net and do homework, they dont normally realise the long term value, or where to get macs (over here anyway).

*people who use windows think that the mac OS would be hard to use/learn after windows. i started on 3.1.1 (occasionally 95) and found the mac easy to use.
actually homer had a new bonding with Lisa in that episode. it was the one advantage to his being smart!!

so admiral, could there be a correlation between your difficulties with one type of curves and your frustrations with the other kinds of curves??:D
Originally posted by Ed (I think):
math and verbal abilities would both fall into verbal comprehension on the wais IQ test. there is very little correlation between IQ scores and either sat's or school grades. believe it or not.

Many of the readers/respondants don't see the connection between math and verbal skills. The reason they are related is because they because they are one in the same, language. Being able to manipulate symbols, whether they are numbers, letters, words, sentences, is all language.

One of my chemistry professors in college who was really into psychology said that today's generation of college student is having a difficult time with advanced math, like that encountered in Physical Chemistry, where you are required to hold 7 or 8 variables in your mind that use 3 different equations, plugging one into another and into another. The students either can do this or they cannot, and test results show this. And he claimed it was because a larger proportion of the students in college now grew up in front of an electronic baby sitter, the television, instead of reading books and developing their language skills. I have no validity to offer from his statement, perhaps Ed could shed some light on this.
Which simpsons Characters would use Macs? (Definitely not the comic book guy. he's a PC user if I've ever seen one.)
I know Jimbo had a newton.
c_geek, seems we both responding to this issue at the same time. he he.

you gave a very good explanation. probably easier to understand than mine.

i think this idea of growing up not having to use these kinds of abilities is a valid one (face validity) but i can offer no findings to support it. on the other hand, video games probably develop a rapid type of reactive thinking process where little is encoded and retained for every long except thru repetition. there can be survival advantages to this as well in certain conditions i would guess. but lets face it, not many people need things like advanced chemistry to survive. at least we don't see why we do. especially as long as there are people out there like you who are doing it for us. I don't figure we need millions of you:p
well i think bart and lisa would both want macs. bart wants the easiest to use and he could care less what others think. lisa would want the best computer made. and of course homer would never buy more than one computer so they would have to share. user security would be a must for lisa so she is using osx. bart spends most of his time running games in classic.

marge would worry that her kids weren't fitting in and using pc's like the flanders (who would probably be running linux anyway). bart's bully friends would all be pc users as would homer's boss.:D
somebody draw a picture I don't understand.


perfect reply:p

btw - i'm going to hop off of here. i have a little social interaction that requires few verbal skills lined up with the gf in a short while:D
I don't know, I have just received some publicity from Dell as a present. I am thinking seriously of making a Dell Optiplex(350) with an Apple harddisk. Optiplex is a very reliable PC, with adding the original harddrive from that Performa(uses now since years pchd) it can be a userfriendly and reliable computer and it will be good for studying and in some ways it has something to do with Apple.
i hope this thread didn't die down waiting for herve to draw a picture!!

or for me to report back on my social interaction:p

so i think we are getting an idea about who we are as mac users, but would you really say that apple's advertising is geared towards folks like we find on this site? can we not assume or at least imagine that there are more mac users out there who don't want to be bothered learning the kinds of things we talk about? the ones who saw the imac 3 steps to the internet commercials and bought the best brand of computer for ease of use?
i'm wondering what the differences are between osx and os 9 users? ie. - those who are still using 9 and see no reason to change. or i can imagine some of them don't even know a change can be made.
I can change to OS X anytime
I just want 3 things :p

2) SCSI Support (so that I can use my ZIP and CD-RW :p)
3) "tweaker" utilities so that I can view any region encoded DVD like in OS 9 :p
admiral, what if you got 2 out of 3? this scsi support is only likely to come from the device developers and they all want to use this as an excuse to sell you new stuff. when you do break down and get new peripherals, i strongly suggest going straight to firewire.
well if greek came from apple, DVDs I could live with booting back to OS 9 to view non region 1 DVDs. SCSI... I havent checked with the vendor for the last 20 days, I will now, but I wont be buying a new CD-RW and a new ZIP drive at this point in time. I will probably asve my $$$$ and get it all built in in my new G5 when I buy one. Till then if nothing works perhaps I will buy a SCSI-to-firewire adaptor to see if that works (what bites is that I paid, what I consider good $$$< for my SCSI card :p)
I'll tell you why macs don't sell in Perth, Australia.

It's because in the entire city, i belive there is a total of 2 AppleCentres, and there are NEVER ANY Apple ads on tv.

Heck, even M$'s bloody XP ad which totally destroyed 'Ray of Light' for me gets shown.

What we need here is more AppleCentres (not just retailers that sell Apple, which there are few of anyway) and more adverts, not annoying M$ style ones, but clever ones, like the iFlower etc.

Hmm, maybe I should make an iLamp ad when I get my iMac G4. That way I can show off the power of the mac AND make a cool iLamp ad to sell to Apple Australia :D

Damn, I don't have a digital video camera :p It's analogue. Poop :D
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

The real answer to this question is found in the fact that the highly intellegent percentage of the population are the minority, whereas the dumbest percentage of the population are the majority. So, this answers the question why the minority use Macs and the majority use Wintel PC's.....!
Incredible - it seems, from this admittedly unscientific poll, that most Mac users are of the IN** type, and perhaps a majority are INT*. I wonder what it means?