Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

Now... the moment you have all been waiting for... what is xoot's personality type.

It's ENFP!

Wow... I am really different. Maybe it's because i'm 11. :)

I am :
* slightly expressed extrovert
* moderately expressed sensing personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

Scary Cause it's true, "Provider Guardians take it upon themselves to arrange for the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of established institutions such as schools, businesses, churches, social clubs, and civic groups."

True too, i am too responsible for my own good, lol. :D
New Personality Test Pages (These are more robust tests):


Click on Enneagram Tests

Then click on Jung+Enneagram

Answer the questions, then click on the links to view your personality type (includes life-style, relationships, general life goals, etc... - very informative)

I provided the main link so that all who want to investigate their personality types and more can do so with the other tests.


Incidentally, I think that most computer users who frequent forums on the internet may have a appreciable "IN"/"INT" component to their personalities.
Reason it's cost and gaming:
Minimal PC HW is (and remains) cheap
PC SW is (practically) free (this will change as SW providers protect their products better)

And gaming is made for PC...

So, why did I chose a Mac ?
- I hate viruses
- I hate backups
- I like Apple's design (Sony's is good too)
- I already have Apple SW !
Alright I know this thread had it's 3rd Bday in January, but heres my $.02 on the matter:

When Macs first showed up, they had a major role in the graphic arts/designing market. People that owned advertising/marketing companies used Macs because of their great prowess in design. Companies that did strict business (IE number crunching) used the PC's, because they were cheaper and more number-based. These number crunching PC based companies had more of a market share than the graphic arts firms, naturally increasing the number of PC's compared to that of Macs. As a side-effect of this, more people were naturally inclined to buy PC computers for their own homes, just because that was what they were used to using at work. Macs were left to the design market, still. It was not until later that the Mac was a large player in the home-desktop market.

Again, this is MY $.02, doesn't have to be yours ;)
There is only a small group of profoundly talented people on this planet, and a very large group called "The Masses" who have no imagination or talent whatsoever.

So you work it out for yourself....................................................................................... :D