Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?


I need you help. Whatever you know, think, hear, or feel about why PC users don't buy Apple products, please post your comments on this thread. It could be anything. Duplicate opinions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.
simple...... "macs suck". LOL That's all the PC users can say about. Immature freaks, of course...

Oh... I meant to call "immature freaks" only those who make the statement "macs suck" and expect that statement to win them the argument. Had to make that clarification...
like in duplicate to all the reasons given in countless other threads around this site? :D

you mean like cost, games, ignorance, poor point of sales availabilty, they want some BIG MHZ to overcompensate with, can't figure out a simpler GUI, and better warez selection on pc's? you mean like those? :p
Here some reasons i have heard and that are common outside usa:

-"Macs are for stupid people that can0t use computers"

-i have heard this less since OS X was relesased

-"You can't find any software / any illegal software for Macs"

-hey: all major graphic apps such as photoshop and freehand ARE for macs!! besides - there are over 6000 apps that are for OS X or work there. i have found anything i ever imagined about and even more for macs. if you hear this excuse, show them versiontracker
-but true for viruses: for most viruses you can't find the mac equivalent..

-"the tech support.."

-Hey, if i have a prob with an app i use, i send an email to programmer! normally i get an answer how to solve it within minutes, hours or by the next day. This NEVER happened when using windows

-"99% use windows"

-not true. lets say macs are 1-5% depending where you are. most graphics are done in macs. web design etc are better in macs. and for more 'casual users' there are always more and more who go to linux .. and then maybe to mac

-"pcs are cheaper"

-true. but calcolate you use the computer for the next 3-4 years? do you want a cheap or a stable computer? do you want a huge GHz that you notice on your electirity bills or something that uses better its sources? etc etc etc.

i'll continue tomorrow if i remember some other rants- ;)
Well as a user of a very fast PC and an iBook, I think I can easily answer this:

- Macs are slow (no denying that, don't try)
- All hardware upgrades are either too expensive or impossible on the Mac
- No games selection
- No variety in the valuable software available
- No drivers for even the most popular of hardware
- No sure-fire DivX playback
In my case, it was misguided hatred (towards the Mac II? The one with the tiny b/w monitor) after having used a "better" PC (color with "HUGE" monitor)...

But aside from that, now - mostly cuz they thing higher MHZ speed will make them more productive ("Macs are slow"), and Windows is all they know (talk about an abusive relationship! "Yeah he abuses me and we swear at eachother all the time, but I love Bill Gates" :p).
Originally posted by cellfish
Well as a user of a very fast PC and an iBook, I think I can easily answer this:

- Macs are slow (no denying that, don't try)
- All hardware upgrades are either too expensive or impossible on the Mac
- No games selection
- No variety in the valuable software available
- No drivers for even the most popular of hardware
- No sure-fire DivX playback

I must disagree with all your points - as a owner of 5 PCs - 3 of which are Windows, and a tech with 2 towers and a laptop - all Windows PCs belonging to clients that I'm currently fixing, and one Mac (Dual G4 Tower)... but you said you didn't want to hear it so... :rolleyes:
The main reason my friends buy PCs is that they can get applications and games for free (illegal). I'm surprised that people develop software for the PC since the pirating is so widely spread. Mac users are more honest :) (and dont want the game developers to stop making games for mac).
Originally posted by Decado
The main reason my friends buy PCs is that they can get applications and games for free (illegal). I'm surprised that people develop software for the PC since the pirating is so widely spread. Mac users are more honest :) (and dont want the game developers to stop making games for mac).

Main reason someone I know uses Windows Servers... but he didn't get it illigally, Microsoft actually GAVE him the software (NT4, SQL, and now 2000 Server).

Like one can't just download Linux for free. :rolleyes: :shaking head: :p

Not to mention the warez. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tormente
I must disagree with all your points - as a owner of 5 PCs - 3 of which are Windows, and a tech with 2 towers and a laptop - all Windows PCs belonging to clients that I'm currently fixing, and one Mac (Dual G4 Tower)... but you said you didn't want to hear it so... :rolleyes:

You're disagreeing with the fact that PC's are faster, have more games, have a better variety of software and have a sure-fire way of handling DivX and yet you're not offering anything to combat my statement. The fact of the matter is that I'm right. PC's ARE faster. This whole 'Macs are more productive' argument holds no water whatsoever because it's not true.

Put Photoshop 7 on a PC at 1pm and put the same program on a Mac at 1pm. By 5pm, chances are the PC guy will have done everything if they both have the exact same tasks to fill. It's not like the PC user will lose his brain during his use of the PC and that same brain won't be lost if he goes on the Mac. The only thing that could stop him from doing his work is if Windows crashes and to be completely honest, since Win 95, I've never had Windows crash on me while I was using Photoshop.
*off topic*

Hey guys, I really love you all, but let's not make this into a mac vs. pc war, dig?

Just need to know opinions on why PC users don't buy Macs, not why they should/n't buy them...

Keep them opinions rollin' in please... it's really helping things along...

hey you started it macluv, reap what you sow ;) (is that how it goes? lol)

anyways, pc hardware, is cheaper and faster, people are more accustomed to pcs, and thats it bassicaly, not many people want to make huge changes in their computing experiences.
Think about it this way. Where is the average potential new computer owner going to get advice from? The same place they would for anything else they buy - by asking someone "who knows". That person is often some IT guru, hardcore gamer, or hardware geek, that may not have the best interest of the potential new user in heart. I have an IT background but am an average user at home. All my mother wants to do is check her e-mail, maybe a half dozen websites, and get pics of family members. Her 350 mhz Indigo iMac suits her just fine. My father had the same need, didn't consult me on it, as I was out of town at the time, and ended up with a souped up laptop 1+ ghz laptop, XP, MS office bloatware et al. He spent a TON more money too. In the end, it's all about user experience. My mom loves the iMac much more than her old wintel box, my dad pretty much spends most of his time swearing at his laptop.
Well it is simple, my friends can build an x86, were as they cannot build a PowerPC.
Also games cost more than the Windows counter part. I had to pay $74 CDN for a mac version of a game compared to $59 CDN for the windows version.
For $2599 CDN the second best iBook, I can get a x86 laptop with a ATI RADEON 9000.
Well the Mhz may not matter, but graphic cards can, and do for games.
My friends can get there work done on any OS, even Linux. So the only thing they need is good games for cheap
Originally posted by Spifmeister
Well it is simple, my friends can build an x86, were as they cannot build a PowerPC.
Also games cost more than the Windows counter part. I had to pay $74 CDN for a mac version of a game compared to $59 CDN for the windows version.
For $2599 CDN the second best iBook, I can get a x86 laptop with a ATI RADEON 9000.
Well the Mhz may not matter, but graphic cards can, and do for games.
My friends can get there work done on any OS, even Linux. So the only thing they need is good games for cheap

Very well said. Even now, after having bought my iBook, I look at laptops from Dell and Compaq and realize I could have gotten a DVD drive, a better video card, a larger hard drive and frankly a faster system for less. On the other hand, I wouldn't have the privilege of using OS X (which I like since it actually works properly), I would have a furnace of a machine that could burn my penis (look onto Slashdot for news of a PC user getting burned), with an extremely loud fan that would annoy the hell out of me.

I like my iBook, albeit admitting that it is slow compared to its PC counterparts because it makes no noise (which was my biggest complaint with my PC), because it actually sleeps when I ask it to, and because iTunes just kicks royal ass.
Why people don't buy Macs?
I can tell you why my last Computer has been a PC and not a Mac:
Simply because of the money.
I really couldn't see why I should buy a Mac right now when they are so overpriced.

I hope in 1 or two years they will be more affordable again.
I don't mind to pay a little more, but as things are now it is really ridicolous.
An important reason is the 'lock feeling' they think they'll get when choosing Macintosh. They're spending a lot of money if they buy a new computer, whether they're buying a Mac or a PC, but they _do_ get the feeling that buying a Mac kind of locks them out of the 'real' world. Of course, one could use the same argument pro Macintosh: Less viruses, less hassle etc. And of course it's simply not true, as you can still buy a PC the next time and can still view/edit all kinds of documents a PC user sends you. (Okay, the attached vbs-viruses won't work easily, but you can use Virtual PC to try out the viruses.)
Oh, and Tigger: The iBook is right now here in Switzerland the cheapest notebook you can buy, period. You may find old models of no-name brands that are about the same price, but basically: Apple is the cheapest notebook maker here in Switzerland.