Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?

Originally posted by ApeintheShell
Blaqbox...So you would say the previous Mac OS was crap? That's a bold statement. Since Adobe, Macromedia and Quark released their applications specifically for the Mac first. Without the previous system to use for reference we wouldn't have Mac OS X or any of those software vendors behind our platform.

Contribute something meaningful you say?

Any magazine you pick up at the newstand is most likely layed out in mac os 9
A large majority of graphic designers and web designers only use the mac platform
Yes there are movies made on the mac and you probably own one.
Apple changed the "pc world" with the macintosh and it continues today. Otherwise, dell would still be selling brown pc's and you'd have an ugly beige box on your desk.
One more thing, warez is not a meaningful contribution toward society.

I am with Apeintheshell...

Mac's.. have set the standards for PC's to follow when it comes to Webdesign, Movie editing etc... Without Mac's... Pentium 4 Would be nothing... Even though now it's taunting Adobe products as if it's always been able to use them successfully.... Lets see... Who's more stable... Mac or PC... Mac's win hands down.
I personally dislike any other mac os besides OSX. The other versions weren't half of what OSX is...

OSX revolutionized Apple, and it's growing on me.
Originally posted by Aeronyth
I personally dislike any other mac os besides OSX. The other versions weren't half of what OSX is...

OSX revolutionized Apple, and it's growing on me.

Well I am a "Switcher" I only have limited memory of what OS 6 and OS 7 were like in my High School days... I was not deeply fond of those memories... maybe it's because the school only used Mac Classic 2 machines... which were limited on memory etc.

OS-X to me however is a remarkable beast that if the ignorant world of PC users were to suddenly look at what OS-X can do with Unix... in the background and X11... (which I played with a little little bit...) they too would switch if it weren't for the Gaming aspect... Face it guys the Gaming aspect on PC's are way better than Mac's.... but still Mac is made for Graphics and photo's... not gaming.
The best game ever created for the macintosh was sim city 2000.
There haven't been major mac games because video cards weren't a big deal with mac's till 1996,1997.
Than in 1999 Apple realized they needed faster and better video cards. Unfortunetly, the 3rd party developers only used half of the capabilities so these games could be run on lower processors with less VRAM instead of using the true strength of the system.
When Mac OS X came in the picture there was little time to worry about games because it was a brand new system. It would have to make the platform more popular. Thus the switch ads came. PC users always complain about lack of games but mac users were discouraged as well.
Don't dread that there will never be mac games, just don't expect them to take advantage of the new cards until developers use the resources provided.
Mac developers need to step back, formulate a plan, and stop thinking about pc games and more about what there games could look like if they took advantage of the streamlined graphics.

one reason i belive is unfortunatle the hardware even though its very nice, its also very expensive.

When somone very first decides to purchase a computer dosent know a thing about it after talking to friends (majority being PC Users) tell them to visit the local computer store there an instant PC User. But when it comes to the curiosity of the mac OS and Hardware the user is warned, scared off, laghed at and so on. Because it comes down to two things, two main barriers.


(1) Price: it dosent matter how hard you try a user IS going to go for the CHEAPEST option eg: many PC's have the same if not more options, software, hardware components, upgradability and most of all the close support of the PC user next door.

(2) OS - Operating System: Unfortunatly the worlds greatest operating system (OS X) is limited to Mac hardware (see (1)) which is known to be excellent and now becoming well respected due to the UNIX core by PC users. And the apple store/Apple centre is a long way away to see it running in action (see (1)). But as you can see there is dissapointment growing rapidly in the pc world many in there hearts like OS X many would switch over many want to use it business wants to use it. i see people eyes glow apon the sight of the OS, BUT (see(1)).


Unfortunatly to truly win great market share OS X needs to be either stripped down to run on PC's or totally released exclusivly to the PC Market. ASK yourself why is LINUX quickly becoming the OS of choice??? IT RUNS ON PC's that are CHEAPO!!! why??? B FOR BUSINESS!!! is the answer.


Apple would never do such a thing because its against there philosophy to just develop software.


1) Sell OS X for PC's. The world looks at apple for the cheaper alternative to windows OS's and the professional choice for business. Apple Hardware dies out because other systems are cheaper than mac Hardware Apple takes greater market share. catches up with windows very quickly possivly reaching over 50 - 60%

2) Sell stripped down version to business for a very cheap price no iProducts just microsoft office a great teaser for mac customers to purchase full Apple hardware at home thus buying the iProducts.

Mabey im wrong but Apple needs to at least start looking along this road....
I have a feeling that OSX on a PC, (the PC not having the hardware that an Apple uses in their computers) would suck.

But, maybe i am wrong. I dunno.
Originally posted by Aeronyth
I have a feeling that OSX on a PC, (the PC not having the hardware that an Apple uses in their computers) would suck.

But, maybe i am wrong. I dunno.

Actually PC'S do have the hardware... but not the following...

1. Optimization of OS-X on a X86 envirnoment... (Pentuim/AMD)

2. the newest mac's have USB and Firewire... so do PC's no problem there.

3. Hard-drives are IDE compliant... no problem there...

4. Video Cards... Are not OS-X compliant even though they use the AGP Bus... Problem here...

These are a few... but lets face it... Mac and Pc's will always be opposites... otherwise Bill Gates is (cough Cough...) caught in a real MONOPOLY... :)
Not if Apple and Microsoft agreed to it, it wouldn't be a monopoly?

I mean, if apple gives microsoft/intel/someone OSX for PC, they can't turn around and say "You have a monopoly of the computer world". Well, they could, but it's kindof hipocritical.
There is no way i want to see the video professor selling his cd's for microsoft v.X

In the hayday of Apple they looked at the pentium chip which was cheap and fast just like it is today. Later on there were clones with mac os running on them. We all know what that led to. I don't think Apple is in that much trouble as perceived.
But they've taken alot of risks especially with mac os x and their own software. But they learned a lesson from the clones saga that i hope they don't repeat again.

Besides, the pc world is always spouting they can copy any user interface. Since they've done it in all versions of windows i don't see why they need our operating system anyway.

I'm apeintheshell and that's..the rest of the story
Originally posted by Aeronyth
Not if Apple and Microsoft agreed to it, it wouldn't be a monopoly?

I mean, if apple gives microsoft/intel/someone OSX for PC, they can't turn around and say "You have a monopoly of the computer world". Well, they could, but it's kindof hipocritical.

Ok lets review here... M$ has hmmm lets make up an imaginary yet practicaly number... of the PC Computer World...

85% Windows/Wintel PC's...
5% Linux
10% Unix, Beos, Mac Os X...

For Gates to acquire Macintosh... Would mean a 10% increase in his profits and the demise of the Macitosh System as it is known...

95% Fictional Number of his share is ops... There is that word that Clinton tried to make an issue of... Is... Is a Monopoly.;)
I'm a PC user because that is what I know and grew up using. I enjoy being able to build and upgrade my system with several available options. Windows XP has been VERY stable for me, and there isn't anything that I can't do on my PC that I absolutely NEED a Mac for. However, there is certainly a part of me that really wants one. There is a Mac store near me that I have been to several times. My biggest problem, as stated earlier, is the cost of a Mac. I like the Power Mac G4, and they start at $1500. I saw a link on the screen savers that discussed building one and I got very interested until I figured out what it would cost. So, although I would like a G4, I guess if you handed me $2K I may spend it on a motorcycle or a couple kayaks, not necessarily a computer that I think is cool. So, I think that the Macs are cool, but I'm having a hard time justifying one on that reason alone. Will I be able to take advantage of Jaguar on a Blue and White G3?
Well I'm a new switcher Here's why it was hard for me to move.

1. Used Windows my whole life.
2. Their price.
3. Their new OS looked complex.
4. Their Power.
5. I was told "nothing" runs on them.
6. Everyone said I shouldn't get one.

What I did about it.

1. Saw the switch ad.
2. Looked them up online
3. Learned the truth.
4. Played with them at a Apple store.
5. Came home with a beautiful eMac.

I don't regret switching. I understand the strength and weakness of the Macs and I'm happy with with my buy. My friends are jealous now for I will never have the problems they face but they are happy with all the things they can run and I can't.
Originally posted by Reality
Well I'm a new switcher Here's why it was hard for me to move.

1. Used Windows my whole life.
2. Their price.
3. Their new OS looked complex.
4. Their Power.
5. I was told "nothing" runs on them.
6. Everyone said I shouldn't get one.

What I did about it.

1. Saw the switch ad.
2. Looked them up online
3. Learned the truth.
4. Played with them at a Apple store.
5. Came home with a beautiful eMac.

I don't regret switching. I understand the strength and weakness of the Macs and I'm happy with with my buy. My friends are jealous now for I will never have the problems they face but they are happy with all the things they can run and I can't.

That's exactly what I did... I have no regrets... but I do miss my PC games lmao... but still I won't trade my baby... (Power PC Mac G4 etc..) for anything.
Many of my friends that own PC's. to them the Macintosh is a obscured thing. They don't know anything about them, never see them used or advertised. When I tell them that I use M$ office on my Mac, they become even more confused. Simply put they just don't know and are afraid of it.
Another reason I believe is price. Many fail to realize the quality of a computer. PC's are disposable in a sense. Many have purchased two computer to my one Mac. The technology becomes outdate quickly in the PC world. Many of my conversations center around them always upgrading. I still have my first Apple IIe, that runs and works.
Last, in my opinion, still many believe that no software is available for the Macintosh. That rumor is one of the hardest to dispel with the PC crowd.
I do see a trend starting to happen, at least in my daily contacts. Many of the old PC users are sick of M$, and their endless versions of windows and upgrades that appear to be the same. The XP users are frustrated with many things. Including the annoying pop-up features in the OS, and security issues.
Of those friends that I have gotten to buy Macs now love them.
Just my little piece....
Originally posted by powermac
Many of my friends that own PC's. to them the Macintosh is a obscured thing. They don't know anything about them, never see them used or advertised. When I tell them that I use M$ office on my Mac, they become even more confused. Simply put they just don't know and are afraid of it.
Another reason I believe is price. Many fail to realize the quality of a computer. PC's are disposable in a sense. Many have purchased two computer to my one Mac. The technology becomes outdate quickly in the PC world. Many of my conversations center around them always upgrading. I still have my first Apple IIe, that runs and works.
Last, in my opinion, still many believe that no software is available for the Macintosh. That rumor is one of the hardest to dispel with the PC crowd.
I do see a trend starting to happen, at least in my daily contacts. Many of the old PC users are sick of M$, and their endless versions of windows and upgrades that appear to be the same. The XP users are frustrated with many things. Including the annoying pop-up features in the OS, and security issues.
Of those friends that I have gotten to buy Macs now love them.
Just my little piece....

I agree with you... The problem... with Macintosh is that they fail to drop the prices in such a competive way... that the market would be more satuatred with them...

Sure the prices are going down lately to compete... but lets face it.. The flaw of pricing is probably the #1 turn off to die hard PC users... It was for me for a long time...

When I made the Switch... I went to a real Authorized Mac Center... Where the sales people only dealt with Mac's... not PC's... So they were able to show me the computer... let me play on it... answer all my tech questions... and boom I "Switched."
It is funny, I am getting a new machine at work and I wanted to get a Mac but the purchasing people said no. I have to get a Dell no ifs and or buts. Well I'll slap Linux on it and be OK I guess.

Now here is the funny part when I configure any machines to be on parity with the Mac I wanted (with the exception of CPU Ghz) they are all comming out more expensive than my original Mac request.

Sure you can get a rinky dink box for a couple of hundred dollars but as soon as you step out of that striped down minimal configuration you are out of luck.

At the top end the Powerbook vs Dell Precision the Dell was on the order of $1500 more and outside of my buget.

Go Figure,

  • I was using the Government GSA prices as this would be paid for via a government contract.
  • Apple reduced their prices by about $300 dollars for the GSA price from retail.
  • Dell increased their price by about $600 from retail.
  • So there is some Oooh it is the taxpayer's money so lets try to shaft them going on here. So call your congressman and tell them reduce the buget by requireing people to purchase Macs for government contract work. Oh I forgot Dell is from Texas.. nevermind ;)
Originally posted by powermac
PC's are disposable in a sense. Many have purchased two computer to my one Mac. The technology becomes outdate quickly in the PC world.

You're right. But I personally guess, Apple WOULD like to sell you a Dual G5 at 3.2 GHz by now, and believe me, you WOULD want to upgrade faster, if only Apple were able to deliver. Yes, it's Motorola's fault, yes, it's IBM's fault, but it's also Apple's fault.

With the first PCI-PowerMacs, Apple finally brought prices of the Pro Macs down to reasonable levels, comparable to other high end desktop machines.

But Apple's still doing so much R&D for hardware... And it doesn't make _real_ sense. I mean: They COULD use a PC motherboard and a PC processor for their Macs. Of _course_ it wouldn't be the same, but my personal guess is - and that's backed up by Apple's decision to kill the clones in 1997 - that many, many Mac users would buy cheap PCs rather than Apple machines as soon as you could have 'the same thing, basically' on Intel/AMD hardware, i.e. Mac OS X for PC Compatibles. Well, I might still get that iBook that will arrive in about 10 hours (yesssss!), but for desktop machines that you can put under your desk? (Ah, yes, that's why I want them to be called something else...)
One word: ignorance!
Solution: PR

Ciao, VB
(programmer since 1974, MacHead since 1985, never looked back).