Senior Switcher Tech Guru
Originally posted by ApeintheShell
Blaqbox...So you would say the previous Mac OS was crap? That's a bold statement. Since Adobe, Macromedia and Quark released their applications specifically for the Mac first. Without the previous system to use for reference we wouldn't have Mac OS X or any of those software vendors behind our platform.
Contribute something meaningful you say?
Any magazine you pick up at the newstand is most likely layed out in mac os 9
A large majority of graphic designers and web designers only use the mac platform
Yes there are movies made on the mac and you probably own one.
Apple changed the "pc world" with the macintosh and it continues today. Otherwise, dell would still be selling brown pc's and you'd have an ugly beige box on your desk.
One more thing, warez is not a meaningful contribution toward society.
I am with Apeintheshell...
Mac's.. have set the standards for PC's to follow when it comes to Webdesign, Movie editing etc... Without Mac's... Pentium 4 Would be nothing... Even though now it's taunting Adobe products as if it's always been able to use them successfully.... Lets see... Who's more stable... Mac or PC... Mac's win hands down.