And he's outta here!Originally posted by Admin
Must be a problem on your Manic. Your type aren't welcome around here. Go find your own beach to surf on.
See ya.
Originally posted by bbloke
Rhino_G3, what exact version of IE are you using? I've only had these problems very recently, during which time the forums have changed, I upgraded my version of IE from 6 to 6 SP1, and I later upgraded from Windows XP to Windows XP SP1. So, any one of those factors could be the culprit as I don't remember which event triggered the problems!
Originally posted by Ricky
It seems slow sometimes, and other times (One in particular) it completely failed at loading any images. However, this problem was present on a number of other sites as well, so the porblem must not be on your guys' side.
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